Page 74: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 1994)
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Marine Supply Specialists si: +44 81 391 60; Fax: +44 81 391 6010 'red: An, P/F, R
Vlso SATCOM, GMDSS) latrix Technologies
O. Box 188 •. John's, Newfoundland anada A1C 5J2 si: (709) 754-0305; Fax: (709) 754-0705 rod: Au, EC, GPS, IB klso Marine Navigation Software) egapulse Inc.
Preston Ct. idford, MA 01730 il: (617) 275-2010; Fax: (617) 275-4149 rod: GPS (Also Loran-C, DGPS Receivers) obile Telesystems, Inc. )0 Professional Dr. aithersburg, MD 20879
I: (301) 590-8576; Fax: (301) 417-0759 rod: An, P/F, R
Iso Inmarsat-A, -C, -B and -M, GMDSS Con- ies and SART) aval Electronics, Inc. 117 Jetview Circle mpa, FL 33634
I: (813) 885-6091; Fax: (813) 885-3789 od: An [Marine Television Antennas and stribution Systems] >rcontrol Seacraft AS
D. Box 1056, 3194 Horten, Norway : +47 330 41436; Fax: +47 330 47474 od: Al, Au, EC, MS, Rr, TG fshore Systems International (OSI) 015 36th Ave. W. inwood, WA 98036 : (206) 670-8400; Fax: (206) 670-0660 od: EC lips Navigation A/S igs Boulevard 80 -2300 Copenhagen, Denmark : +45 32 88 2222; Fax: +45 32 88 3930 od: GPS :al-Decca Marine f Burlington Rd, New Maiden rey, England KT3 4NF +44 81 942 7833; Fax: +44 81 949 1273 »d: Al, An, EC, GPS, IB, MS, Rr lio-Holland Group 13 Gulf Freeway jston, TX 77017 (713) 943-3325; Fax: (713) 943-3802 »d: Al, An, Au, C, EC, EPIRB, GPS, Gy, IB, , P/F, R, Rr, S, SL, TG theon Marine Co.
River Road, Hudson, NH 03051 (603) 881-5200; Fax: (603) 881 -4756 »d: An, Au, C, EC, EPIRB, GPS, Gy, IB, R, Rr,
L o Lorans, Loudhailers, Fishfinders, SARTS,
DSS, Inmarsat A, Inmarsat C, Inmarsat M) -Hornet Marine Industries Inc.
Mountain Highway th Vancouver, B.C. ada V7J 2K9 (604) 984-9288; Fax: (604) 984-3606 •d: Al, EC, IB, MS, TG 3 Integrated Voyage Recorder, Bridge/En-
Room Console, Marine PC)
Systems Ltd.
Box 8455 Stn. A ahn's, Newfoundland, Canada [709) 722-4488; Fax: (709) 722-6688 d: Al, MS, TG
Box 3526 vue, WA 98009 ober, 1994
Principal source for engine room systems and equipment, including air starters, heat exchangers, oil water separators, monitors, anti-fouling electrodes, waste treatment systems, compactors, trash disposal equipment, incinerators, food disposers; vacuum sewage collection and electrolytic treatment systems; reverse osmosis watermakers, potable water treatment systems including brominators, hypochlorite generators; marine coatings; rigid inflatable boats; rigging supplies; deck machinery; patented anti-pollution oil eating microbes for spills & bilges.
Manufacturers' representative for:
AquaMar, BioTek, Disperator, Elajo/Rabco, Elinca, ELTECH
Int'l, Everpure, International Compactor, Jets Vacuum AS,
JM Heat Exchangers, Omnipure, Parmatic Pollution Control,
Pow-R-Quik, Sanilec, Sea Recovery ROs, Shimadzu, Sigma
Coatings, Willard Marine Sea Force RIBs, Uson, and others.
DOMESTIC & FOREIGN SALES, INC. MARINE PHIS SUPPLIER • WTHOIIIEI FHT01I REPRESENTATIVE -TECH NICAL SllPPOIt 120 Northeast 20th Street, Miami, FL 33137 U.S.A. 24 hrs: Tel (305) 576-0387 Fax (305) 576-5537 Tlx 441287 ESRUI
Tel/Fax: (206) 746-6384
Prod: R
Simrad, Inc. 19210 33rd. Ave. West, Lynnwood, WA 98036
Tel: (206) 778-8821; Fax: (206) 771 -7211
Prod: Au, EC, GPS, Gy, MS, Rr, S (Also Sounders, Direction Finders)
SI-TEX Marine Electronics, Inc.
P.O. Box 6700
Clearwater, FL 34618
Tel: (813) 536-0898; Fax: (813) 530-7272
Prod: Au, EC, GPS, R, Rr (Also Depth Sounders, Lorans, Stereos)
Sokkia Corp. 9111 Barton, Box 2934
Overland Park, KS 66201
Tel: (800) 4-Sokkia; Fax: (913) 492-0188
Prod: GPS (Also Industrial Measurement Sys- tems)
Sperry Marine Inc. 1070 Seminole Trail
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Tel: (804) 974-2000; Fax: (804) 974-2259
Prod: Au, EC, Gy, IB, Rr, R [GMDSS], SL
S.P. Radio A/S
Porsvej 2 9200 Aalborg SV - Denmark
Tel: +45 98 18 0999; Fax: +45 98 18 6717
Prod: An, EPIRB, R
Standard Communications Corp.
P.O. Box 92151
Los Angeles, CA 90009-2151
Tel: (310) 532-5300; Fax: (310) 515-7197
Prod: An, R, SL (Also Depth Sounders, Stereos)
Techsonic Industries Inc. 1 Humminbird Lane
Eufaula, AL 36027
Tel: (205) 687-6613; Fax: (205) 687-6674
Prod: GPS, R, S
Circle 341 on Reader Service Card /MfcfjuEsaow/
EUROPEAN SHIP REPAIR INC. 120 Northeast 20th Street Miami, FL 33137 U.S.A.
Tel: (305)576-0192 Fax: (305)576-5537 Tlx: 441-287 ESR Ul
Boats 780 Pearle Jensen Way
La Conner, WA 98257 (206)466-5925
FAX (206) 672-0395
Free Catalog
Turnkey capability
Complete logistics support 24 hour availability worldwide
Licensed engineers
Riding crews
Full machine shop
Serving Florida and the Caribbean
Circle 284 on Reader Service Card