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ACR's GMDSS Survival Radio lomes with two alternative user replaceable battery packs. One is ;he Lithium Survival Battery which supplies eight hours of operation to ;omply with GMDSS IMO require- nents.
The second is the MaxCap Re- •.hargeable battery which can be ised for general on-board commu- lication.
For more information on ACR
Circle 5 on Reader Service Card
I.Plath Offers NAVIDATA
C.Plath created a navigation data lisplay, NAVIDATA, which perma- lently displays the following infor- tiation: gyrocompass heading; mag- letic compass heading; set heading course to steer); rate of turn; and hip's speed through water.
All of the information may be isplayed in large or small figures; irthermore, shown in the right- and section of the display is the osition of the ship in longitude and ititude, or alternatively the dis- ince traveled in total miles and aily miles.
When NAVIDATA is used in com- ination with C .Plath autopilots and >g systems, all that is additionally squired is the longitude and lati- ide information in the NMEA 0183 irmat from a GPS receiver.
Automatic chart plotters
AVIPLOT I/S (position display ily) and NAVIPLOT I/SR (posi- on display, route planning, steer- ig interface to an autopilot) are sed in the indication of ship's posi- on.
NAVIPLOT I/S can be retrofit- id to existing vessels. The main ivantages are: accepts all charts
L Mercator and plane projection; ores chart data for more than 000 charts; continually indicates vnship's position by means of a jht-point; dead reckoning func- an via inputs for speed and head- g; and joystick operation.
NAVIPLOT I/SR provides all of e above features, as well as: route anning; route steering and route ntrol; and storage capacity for )0 routes, each with 250 aypoints.
For more information from C.Plath
Circle 2 on Reader Service Card marsat Selects Ariane xket To Launch 5th marsat-3 Satellite
Inmarsat awarded a contract >rth $66.5 million to Arianespace
France for the launch of an marsat-3 satellite on its Ariane 4 :ket.
The five Inmarsat-3 satellites, ing manufactured by Martin arietta Astro Space, will enable marsat to use the increased power d capacity of spot-beam technol- y to provide service to the grow- 1 number of mobile communica- ns users worldwide and to re-
October, 1994 78 duce the size, weight and cost of mobile terminals.
The Inmarsat-3 satellites are more than eight times more powerful than the second generation Inmarsat-2s currently in service. This additional power will make it possible not only for users to communicate via smaller and cheaper mobile terminals, but will also possibly result in an even- tual decrease in user charges.
For more information on Inmarsat
Circle 6 on Reader Service Card
Trimble Offers GPS Attitude
Determination System
Trimble Navigation introduced the Trimble Advanced Navigation
Sensor (TANS) Vector, an attitude determination system which report- edly gives users reliable attitude determination plus 3-D position, velocity and time.
The TANS Vector consists of four
GPS antennas and a receiver pro- cessor unit. It features solid-state electronics — a technology report- edly not subject to heading drift — and provides waypoint navigation.
TANS Vector can operate in accu- rate differential mode and can serve as a stand-alone attitude sensor.
It can also be integrated into gy- roscope or inertial navigation sys- tems.
For more information on
Trimble Navigation
Circle 7 on Reader Service Card
SSIBeOGlERc is a "SURE THING!" p it it tin PtLi"^% ******• *115*»"•% '»..*>»«»»««»* fpf*^ljMM|p|| welfl '•'•'.«.t«iMni«tumi» mitMwWl
For over 40 years, we've been making cooling systems for all types of marine engines... and that's all we make. Our product is so durable, efficient and easy to install that the U. S. Navy wrote their keel cooling specifications around our Gridcoolers.
Why take chances when it comes to your engines' dependability?
Do it right the first time... get Fernstrum Gridcoolers.
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Built by rf' Patti Shipyi " 1 " )led by t:W.Fernstrum & Company
Completely assembled and factory tested to assure reliability. No complicated, time consuming assembly before installation.
Silver brazed and welded joints form a rugged keel cooler, no slip joints or "0" rings to leak.
Heavy guage 90/10 copper-nickel or 5000 series aluminum rectangular tube, structurally stronger with more cooling surface, and twice the wall thickness of other package kit type keel coolers with round tube.
Custom designed to meet owner's operating conditions and the engine manufacturer's exact cooling requirements.
The most compact form of keel
COOling, can be recessed for a flush with hull installation.
R. W. Fernstrum & Company 1716 11th Avenue • P. O. Box 97 Menominee, Ml 49858 Phone: (906) 863-5553 Fax: (906) 863-5634
Circle 235 on Reader Service Card
Ships want the latest maritime communications
The Nordic Coast Earth station at Eik is the recog- nized maritime satellite station providing fast, efficient and reliable telecommunications over three oceans and two thirds of the globe. For superior on-board com- munication services, Norwegian Telecom Interna- tional offers Digicom 101 03 from Teleste, the ad- vanced marine telecom system featuring the most reli- able credit card calling system for ships today.
Passengers will demand the same from your ship
In the Digicom 101 03 system, your passengers only need to push their credit card through the magnetic reader of their cabin phone. They dial a code for access to the worldwide public switching system and land- line connections to more than 190 countries.
Digicom 101 03 gives your ship full, easy and reliable control of all phone traffic and other cabin services. And your passengers will remember you for the convenience of having the most sophisticated ship-to-shore communications in a user-friendly package, direct from their cabin phone.
Teleste Marine is proud that Norwegian Telecom
International has selected our equipment as the recommended credit card calling system for maritime use. Phone or fax to find out what we can do for your ship and passengers today.
For reliability and convenience at sea
Teleste Marine Communication, E.A. Rosengrensgata 29C, S-421 31 V. Frolunda, Sweden ;
Phone: +46 31 450 480, Fax: +46 31 455 195
Teleste Oy, Seponkatu 1, SF-20660 Littoinen, Finland
Circle 357 on Reader Service Card