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Intl. WorkBoat Show Buyers Guide wire rope. Dressings, non-solvent base products that will not evapo- rate and dry out, lasting for ex- tended periods due to the products' high solid content.
Circle 103 on Reader Service Card
Furuno U.S.A.
Booth #807
Furuno U.S.A. will demonstrate its line of river radar products, Satcom-
B and other specialized marine elec- tronic products.
Circle 86 on Reader Service Card
Gems Sensors Div.
Booth #511
Gems Sensors Div. offers 40 years' experience manufacturing standard and custom marine grade liquid level and flow products. Featured prod- ucts will include intrinsically safe, overfill, and high level alarm sys- tems and the original Gems Dip- stick visual level indicators for tank- ers and barges.
Circle 35 on Reader Service Card
Booth #956
HamiltonJet will display a model
HM571 waterjet, complete with working steering and ahead/astern control systems. HamiltonJet HM series of models are suitable for fast ferries, workboats and patrol craft typically in the 66 to 197-ft. (20 to 60-m) range with power inputs up to 3,000 kW.
Circle 114 on Reader Service Card
Headhunter, Inc.
Booth #1055
Manufacturers of Royal Flush, ma- rine toilets that work utilizing one- gallon flush; Royal Fax, U.S. Coast
Guard-approved type II MSD ca- pable of treating 50 to 9,000 gallons
SALES REPRESENTATIVES FOR: •E3 LIPS USA (Gulf Coast Area) Propulsion and Maneuvering Systems
OMEGA - JET- Water Jets
Electronics and Navigation Equipment
A. van der Velden Articulated Rudder And Steering Systems
Authorized SCHOTTEL representative lor Tunnel Thruster
Shipboard Cranes
Life, Utility and Rescue Boats _ FR. FASSMED & CO
Circle 307 on Reader Service Card
Voith tractor tug
Astilleros Zamacona, member of the Con- strunaves group of ship- yards, made the first two deliveries on an order for four multi-purpose Voith tractor tugs to Spanish towing company Cia. de Remolcadores Ibaizabal. These super-tugs, of which the first is named Getxo, are fitted with Voith-Schneider water tractors driven by two 1,930-bhp Wartsila Diesel engines. The prototype seagoing and harbor tugs are designed for escort maneuvers; harbor maneuvers and towage; external water/foam firefighting service; and oil spill cleanup via liquid dispersant spray system. per day of effluent; and Tank Sen- try, monitoring equipment with pro- grammable alarms and event con- trollers for diesel, fresh and black water tanks.
Circle 104 on Reader Service Card
Holset Engineering
Booth #1524
Flexible couplings for power trans- mission, for propulsion systems and generators. Turbochargers for en- gines 2,000 hp to 20,000 hp. Will be exhibiting a new coupling for soft- mounted engines and fourth-gen- eration axial turbine turbocharg- ers.
Circle 33 on Reader Service Card
Hyde Products Inc.
Booth #815
Hyde is an established manufac- turer of ship's deck machinery, steering systems and oil/water sepa- rators, as well as the U.S. agent for
Porsgrunn Steering Gear and the
VETH line of bowthrusters, Z-drives and loading computer packages.
Other product lines include
Kvaerner Eureka firefighting and emergency offloading systems, and the Scupperwell spill prevention device.
Circle 34 on Reader Service Card
Inventory Locator Service
Booth #716
Inventory Locator Service, Inc. (ILS) will demonstrate a new communi- cations system for marine database users. Dubbed ILS Direct, it en- ables ILS users around the world to communicate with each other us- ing private electronic mailboxes re- siding on the ILS mainframe com- puter.
Also, users can access a fax server from their personal computers to send messages to almost any fax machine in the world.
Circle 87 on Reader Service Card
Meltric Corp.
Booth #1414
Meltric will display its complete line of heavy duty, circuit breaking, horsepower and switch rated, in- dustrial type plugs and receptacles.
Meltric products use a silver-nickel pressure contact technology, offer- ing many ship and shipyard applica- tions.
Circle 36 on Reader Service Card
Morgan Marine
The company will focus on the depth of its product line and emphasize that its knucklebooms are all ABS and USCG approved and certified.
Will introduce "A" frames, "J" frames and box boom cranes.
Circle 69 on Reader Service Card
NETEC Inc./New England
Trawler Co.
Booth # 1 lOl
Featured at the company's display will be tug and barge equipment. In the booth will be a hydraulic bow/ headline winch with a brake rating of 450,000 lbs. built for Bay Trans- portation to be installed on the new
Kinsman Hawk class tug.
Also, there will be a tug capstan rated for a 300,000-lb. bollard pull and a barge anchor winch rated to handle a 10,000-lb. anchor, both built for Morania Oil Transportation Corp.
Circle 105 on Reader Service Card
North American Marine Jet
Booth #s 670 & 672
North American Marine jet, manu- facturer of Nomera and Traktor jets, presents the Nomera 400, which of- fers many high-tech features. The new Traktor jet 1-600, with its 34-in. impeller, provides more than 11,000 lbs. of thrust.
Circle 85 on Reader Service Card
Orkot Engineering
Booth #1044
Orkot Engineering Plastics manu- (Continued on page 78) 76 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News