Page 96: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 1994)
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Carolina Cockpit Finds Government
Work Plentiful
Carolina Cock- pit of Portland,
Ore. supplies government and commercial ma- rine operators with ready-to-in- stall, corrosion- proof, engineered deck structures and control cabs.
The first of five five-ft. by seven- ft. (1.5- to 2-m) upper pilot- houses was deliv- ered recently to the Panama Ca- nal Commission.
These houses have tempered glass aluminum framed windows, roof access lad- ders, removable tops and many other features.
Other recent deliveries include a pilothouse for a powered barge operated by the National
Underwater Weapons Command, an aft control station for the R/V Seward Johnson, a quarter- deck shelter for the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter
Bramble, and a six-ft. by six-ft. insulated, fire retardant upper pilothouse for Eklof
Transportation's tug Viking.
For more information on Carolina Cockpit
Circle 58 on Reader Service Card
Brochure On Single Lever Propulsion
Control Available
R.G. Rollin Co. offers a four-page black and white brochure on its SOLO sys- tem, a system designed and built as a heavy duty, high performance single lever me- chanical control system for throttle/reverse gear, to be used on vessels up to 140 ft. (42.7-m) in length, in single or multi-station applications.
SOLO is comprised of three major components: the control head KRF 2050 & 5000; the ball bearing control cable KRF 3000; and the transfer unit KRF 1000.
For a free brochure from R.G. Rollin Co.
Circle 59 on Reader Service Card
SWR Delivers New Ship Cleaning And
Maintenance Technology
The SWR Corp. announced a new technology or the maritime shipping industry which it :laims will reduce costs associated with the •leaning and maintenance of ships and related squipment.
Its product, SWRone, causes contaminating lydrocarbons to release from a surface to which hey are clinging, and causes them to separate rom water. The results, according to the com- iany, include: cleaning and degreasing, as well s a powerful de-emulsifying effect. When resent in the bilge, the formula will migrate own into the sludge at the bottom, lift out ydrocarbon contamination and push it to the ctober, 1994 top. The company contends that because of these properties, the performance of oil/water separa- tors is enhanced and, depending on existing equipment, bilges can reportedly be cleaned at five to 10 percent of current expense.
SWRone will reportedly clean virtually all forms of hydrocarbon contamination, as well as dirt and soot, from any surface. It can be swabbed or sprayed on, or used in dip tanks for cleaning parts and lube oil filters. The product is recy- clable, EPA-approved and allows for the com- plete recovery of hydrocarbons.
For more information on this cleaning product
Circle 71 on Reader Service Card
Tranter Acquires Koolrad Design
Tranter, inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Dover Corporation, recently purchased the as- sets of Koolrad Design & Manufacturing Com- pany, Inc. of Oshawa, Ontario.
Koolrad conducts sales, engineering, ad- ministration and manufacturing in its fa- cilities in Oshawa. "Operations will con- tinue as usual following the company's ac- quisition," said Tranter President Ken
Kaltz. "This is precisely the type of product and company which Tranter is seeking, in its quest for expanding leadership in trans- former plate-type radiators for the interna- tional market."
Tranter recently purchased HTT Heat
Transfer Technologies SA of Fribourg,
Switzerland — which operates under the trade name SWEP throughout the world — and ReHeat AB of Taby, Sweden, which manufactures plate and frame heat exchang- ers under the trade name ReHeat Ultra
Flex® .
For more information on Tranter, inc.
Circle 28 on Reader Service Card ™E BILGE RAT is a Trade Mark of American Supply 4 Equipment, Inc.
TM The Reusable Oil Absorption Buoy For
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Circle 214 on Reader Service Card
Refine your oil while you drive and save big dollars ... maintenance, engine wear, oil, fuel, disposal costs. The TF
Purifiner filters trap solid contaminants down to one micron in size. The patented heated evaporation chamber removes water, fuel, coolant, and leaves your oil as pure as the day it was installed. Yet valuable oil additives are left in and viscosity remains constant.
There's a TF Purifiner for every application: • Tugboats • Dredges • Cruise Ships • Water Taxis • Fishing Vessels • Oil Platforms (from the family car to the biggest yacht)
Over the past 10 years, users report hundred of thousands of hours without an oil change, and their oil is still as good as new. Every TF Purifiner is backed by an iron-clad 10- year quality warranty, and is USCG approved. Letters from
Engine Manufacturers state the use of TF Purifiner will not void the engine manufacturer's warranty.
Distributor Inquiries Welcome!
TF PURIFINER, INC. 3020 High Ridge Road, Suite 100
Boynton Beach, FL 33426 407-547-9499 1-800-488-0577 407-547-4025 (Fax)
Exclusive worldwide manufacturers and distributors
A FULL SERVICE SHIPYARD 900 long ton dry-dock - vessels up to 160' & maximum draft of 14'
Docksides - Repairs
Conversions - New Construction
Fabrication - Machine Shop
Certified Marine Trades & Licensed Engineers olech
Ocean Technical Services 634 Peters Road, Harvey, LA 70058
Beverly Fife or Mike Howell 504-364-1578 or 1572 • fox 504-362-5949
Circle 291 on Reader Service Card
WeatherLink 2020
SPECIAL FEATURES • Complete system is low-cost, automatic and user-friendly. • NOAA/METEOR APT direct reception, continuous/current weather information. • NMEA 0183 GPS Input/Output. LAT/LON gridding for world-wide use. • Extensive image processing; surface temperature, geopolitical in- formation, satellite tracking and more. • Receives and processes HF Weatherfax via SSB radio. • Receives GOES/METEOSAT satellites, base station applications. • Compatible with ORBTECH's future product line, ORBLINK, which will up- date ephemeris, TBUS and PC Clock data automatically anywhere on earth.
Suggested retail price: $8,900 (US)
Circle 298 on Reader Service Card
A Subsidiary of HULL 1100-B North Magnolia Avenue
El Cajon, CA 92020
Tel: 619/447-0036
Fax: 619/444-0628, BBS: 619/447-1826
Circle 253 on Reader Service Card