Page 41: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1994)
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Islands registry the containerships
Sea-Land Pride (ex-Galveston Bay),
Sea-Land Value, Sea-Land Moti- vator (ex-Raleigh Bay), Sea-Land
Freedom and Sea-Land Mariner.
The 47,667-gtPride, Value and Mo- tivator were built in Korea in 1985 and 1984, respectively; the 32,629- gt Freedom and Mariner were built in 1980 in Japan. • The Western Co., of North
America, Houston, has requested permission to sell the 6,344-gt drill- ing rigAlaskan Star to Star Interna- tional Drilling Ltd., Grand Cayman,
Cayman Islands. The rig was built in 1976 in Hiroshima, Japan. If approved, the rig would be trans- ferred to Panamanian registry.
Falcon Rig Sale Approved
Falcon Rig (Liberia), Ltd., has been given approval to sell the drill- ing unit Loosbrock Star (ex-Marlin
No. 14) to Falcon Offshore, Inc.,
Broussard, La., without change in
Liberian registry.
SeaRiver Applies For
Operation & ODS Of
Ex-Equity Tanker
SeaRiver Maritime, Inc., has asked MarAd to approve the trans- fer to it of an operating-differential
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Circle 282 on Reader Service Card subsidy (ODS) agreement from the bankruptcy estate of Equity Carri- ers, Inc., along with approval to operate the 211,000-dwt tanker S/R
Mediterranean under that contract.
SeaRiver said its purchase agree- ment with response to Contract MA/
MSB-439 from the bankruptcy es- tate is subject to: • MarAd approval of the transfer of
Contract MA/MSB-439, • MarAd's obtaining approval of funding for at least one of the three operating subsidies comprising Con- tract MA/MSB-439 for the balance of the period of Contract MA/MSB- 439, which expires on May 23,2001, and • MarAd and SeaRiver's agreement to necessary amendments to Con- tract MA/MSB-439.
SeaRiver states that it is a wholly owned affiliate of Exxon Corpora- tion (Exxon) and has operated the S/
R Mediterranean in the foreign trade since September 1990.
SeaRiver also said it also oper- ates vessels in the domestic trade and foreign-flag tankers in world- wide trading.
In addition to the other approvals requested, written permission un- der section 805(a) and waiver of the provisions of section 804(a) of the
Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended, would be required.
Sea Trader Applies To MarAd
For Barge Sale
Sea Trader Tank Barges Inc.,
Hoboken, N.J., has requested per- mission to sell the 1,282-gtSeatrade
Bay Breeze and the 1,312-gtSeatrade
Islander. The proposed purchaser is Barge Management, Inc.,
Baldwin, NY. If approved, the barges would operate in the local bunkering trade. MarAd permis- sion is required under section 9 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as amended.
MarAd Clarifies Port Control- ler Standby Service Pacts
MarAd published a proposed rule in the Federal Register clarifying events that allow the activation of the Federal Port Controller (FPC)
Service Agreements. The FPC's regulations (46 CFR Part 346) would be amended to state that standby service agreements between the
U.S., acting through MarAd, and port authorities or private corpora- tions may, at the direction of MarAd, become operational upon deploy- ment of the Armed Forces of the
U.S., or other requirements of the nation's defense. They would make the timing of the FPC activation consistent with that in MarAd's regulations governing priority use and allocation of shipping services, containers and chassis and port fa- cilities. A notice of proposed rulemaking has been assigned
Docket R-155. Comments on the proposed rule must be received in writing by the 5:00 pm January 17, 1995, by the Secretary, MarAd,
Room 7210, 400 7th St. SW, Wash- ington, DC 20590. For additional information, contact John Pisani,
Office of Ports and Domestic Ship- ping, tel.: (202) 366-4357
December, 1994 42A