Page 47: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1994)
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4S Integrates Shipborne )S Unit With tore-Based VTS System
Electronic Marine Systems Inc.
MS) completed the integration of i shipborne ADS unit with the ore based VTS system supplied by iytheon. The ADS unit was devel- ied as an option to the basic DGPS/ aart Viewer, which is now used by 1 of the U.S. Coast Guard black >ats in the 17th District.
For more information on EMS
Circle 21 on Reader Service Card leadhunter Debuts New luid Control Monitors
Headhunter expanded its line of anitation equipment to include pro- rammable fluid level monitors for /aste water, fresh water and diesel ael tanks. A model for fresh water anks includes terminals to provide i dry tank shutdown for the fresh vater pump or a remote indication >f a low tank level anywhere on the vessel.
For more information from Headhunter
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Midland Alarm Systems
Certified Intrinsically Safe
Midland Manufacturing Corp., a maker of vapor recovery and alarm systems for the marine industry, announced that is full line of alarm systems was certified as intrinsi- cally safe both in the U.S. and
Canada by Factory Mutual (FM) and Canadian Standards Associa- tion (CSA). The company also announced that it opened a 3,000- sq.-ft. Engineering and Conference
Center in Skokie, 111., a center which includes permanent working dis- plays of its family of liquid cargo handling systems.
For more information on Midland
Circle 17 on Reader Service Card
Company Introduces New
Low Smoke Coaxial Cable
Times Microwave Systems intro- duced its new LSRG Low Smoke/
Non Halogenated Coaxial Cable se- ries in response to the immediate military need for MIL-C-17 low smoke cables. These cables are de- signed to use standard connectors used on RG cables and are subjected to a swept return lows (VSWR) and
RF transmission loss (attenuation) test that assures cable performance over the entire frequency band.
For more information
Circle 88 on Reader Service Card
TQ Enviro Specializes In
Gas & Vapor Detection
TQ Environmental Ltd. are spe- cialists in marine gas and vapor detection. In VLCC pump rooms company's RPB4000/RPB800 con- the company provides intrinsically trailers, the complete system report- safe leak detection utilizing its edly provides early gas leak indica-
GDlOOMkll infra-red sensors, in- tion. Sensor and mountings carry stalled directly through the bulk- Lloyds, DNV and ABS (full system) head. Interfacing with the approvals.
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Quality Is Our MOST Important Feature!
Circle 221 on Reader Service Card
CANFLEX (USA), Inc. 's new 12,500-gallon Sea Slug under tow at approximately 5 knots during recent sea trials in Anacortes, Washington. Insert shows the unit moored alongside the dock, ready to be offloaded. The Sea Slug is an ideal unit for emergency lightering.
CANFLEX towable and free-standing liquid storage and transport tanks are suitable for oil, fuel, potable water, and other liquid commodities.
They offer users a variety of features, including: durable fabrics up to 140 oz./sq. yd., unique hydrodynamic design, reserve buoyancy, disposable liners, highest quality fill and discharge hardware.
CANFLEX temporary storage bags are sized from 264 gallons (US) to 25,000 gallons (US). • • • •
From the Arctic to the tropics,
Foss Environmental is to provide only the highest quality service and products, including a full range of environmental cleanup and maintenance products, from oil recovery units to offshore response systems •>••>•
SEATTLE, WA 98108-4141 USA
Phone: (206) 767-0441
Fax: (206) 7667-3460 •>•>•>•>
Foss Environmental also provides industrial and environmental services, training, project management, and emergency response to spills. canflex "SEA SLUG"
Circle 247 on Reader Service Card