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duct computerized analyses of po- tential vibrations then compare their predictions to the readings obtained during model testing.
According to Dr. Stefan Totolici, head of the Hydrodynamics Depart- ment, there is rarely more than a one- to two-percent variation be- tween actual readings and those calculated by designers.
Aerodynamic forces and mo- ments, speed and pressure distri- bution, and optimum placement of the funnel and air intake vents are all determined with the wind tun- nel tests. In addition to ships, all of the above-mentioned tests can be performed on stationary and float- ing marine platforms, and various marine equipment. Icepronav's in- volvement does not stop at design and testing. They can act as the owner's representative overseeing production at the Galati Shipyard or anywhere else in the world.
Doing Business In Romania
The language barrier is not as bad as it is perhaps perceived, and
English is used as a common lan- guage between foreign parties, regu- latory bodies and so forth, and all documentation language is per the shipowner's request.
If its on-site assistance as an owner's rep is not required, the
Institute, with the help of the
TRIBON program, can set up a project management, purchasing and scheduling map for the builder.
It will provide training for shipyard personnel in the use of TRIBON, and is a sales representative for
Section cutaways or system drawings come complete with de- tailed product "shopping" lists.
TRIBON's project management fea- ture facilitates the ordering of ma- terials in keeping with construc- tion progress to ensure product availability while reducing over- stock and storage costs.
The system can provide auto- mated cutting tapes, and even ro- botic programming information.
In any engineering firm, wages are the largest factor in determin- ing fees. Wages in Romania are still comparatively low, as profes- sional engineers earn roughly ten percent of what a North American counterpart would. Design services are priced accordingly, making
Icepronav competitive in today's market.
For more information on Icepronav
Circle 55 on Reader Service Card
January, 1995
HHI To Build 11-Cyl. Engines
Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) in the fall completed shop testing the first of three 11-cylinder engines or- dered by its licensor, MAN B&W
Diesel A/S. The 11-cylinder engine develops 66,385 bhp and is for a 4,800-TEU container vessel under construction at HDW for American
President Line.
For more information on Hyundai
Circle 65 on Reader Service Card
Singmarine Wins $25M
Contract From Steamers
Singmarine Industries Ltd. (Singmarine) won a $25 million con- tract from Steamers Containerships
Holdings to build a feeder containership. The 8,000-dwt ship will be built by Singmarine's ship- building and shiprepair subsidiary,
Singmarine Dockyard & Engineer- ing Pte. Ltd. The ship will carry 600
Geosource, Ltd. 4100 One Shell Square New Orleans, LA 70139 (504) 566-7722 FAX (504) 566-7729 1-800-858-8444
Circle 232 on Reader Service Card
TEUs and will be completed by the second quarterof1996. Singmarine's current orderbook is about $ 105 mil- lion.
For Steamers, this ship will be the first newbuilding under its new initiative to invest in a fleet for trade in the charter market. In
April the company acquired a 1,020-
TEU ship with an existing charter and renamed it Kedah.
For more information on Singmarine
Circle 85 on Reader Service Card 15
Naval Architect and Marine Engi- neer, loan Stroe, heads the com- puter information department for
Without Getting Soaked throwawoy
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Envirosorb'M Waste Recovery is a spill reclamation system. It is not just another sorbent pad. What does that mean to you? Quite simply, money. Reusable Envirosorb pads dramatically reduce the cost of lost spilled resources as well as spill clean- up and disposal. That pleases the government, pleases industry and pleases the planet. * Envirosorb pads reclaim 98% of the spilled product for recycling by utilizing an oil extraction system. * Envirosorb pads are reusable virtually indefinitely. ' Save up to 80% on disposal costs. There are no transportation, permit, testing, storage, burial or incineration costs. * Reduce costs associated with environmental damage legal claims. ' Lower liability and workman's comp since the reusable pads remain lightweight, even when saturated. (1 to 6 lbs. depending on oil viscosity.) * Envirosorb pads are easy to deploy in any situation and any geography. * Envirosorbs performance is actually enhanced by adverse weather conditions making it ideal for rough seas, rapidly flowing water, or extremely cold water. * Holds spillage indefinitely providing a barrier to soil, water, wedands, subsoil and groundwater pollution. * Saturation is achieved in minutes, depending on the spilled oil product, making clean-ups faster. * Envirosorb will absorb all hydrocarbon based products including all SI,500 types of crude oil and number 6 fuel oil. $1,200
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