Page 20: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1995)
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(Allegretti Article Continued from page 20)
New directions, expanded growth ahead tion and pressures of the marketplace. And, while small, family-owned companies continue to play an important industry role, their num- bers have declined substantially over the past decade, as the economic downturn in the indus- try in the 1980s forced many small companies to close their doors or sell their equipment to larger firms. It is interesting to note that while the number of companies that make up the industry continues to shrink, the size of the U.S. towing vessel fleet and the volume of cargo has not.
Closely aligned with the changing character of the barge and towing industry, and the quality movement as a force for change, is the ever increasing expectations of the industry's ship- per-customers, most notably the major oil and chemical companies.
Many shippers have established detailed equip- ment and operating standards which their car- rier-vendors are required to meet. There has been a growing commitment by the industry's customers to buy transportation service based on total value and not just the cheapest rate. These shippers have perhaps no greater transportation need than to know that their cargoes will reach their destinations not only on time and at a competitive rate, but safely and without inci- dent. The future of the barge industry is directly linked to this goal of total customer satisfaction.
The industry's commitment to safety, reliabil- ity and high operating standards will continue to gain even greater importance in the years to come. The challenge for the U.S. towing industry at this juncture is profound — to manage the inevitable process for change and, in fact, to lead that change. AWO's recently announced Respon- sible Carrier Program, a safety program which identifies sound operating principles and prac- tices over and above the requirements of existing law and regulation, will assist companies in achieving those standards and carrying the in- dustry forward into the next century. A signifi- cant new initiative for AWO, the program imple- ments the directive of AWO's strategic plan,
AWO 2000, that the association "improve indus- try safety and environmental protection by es- tablishing preferred industry operating principles and practices."
The Responsible Carrier Program is the prod- uct of an intensive, eight-month effort by a spe- cially-constituted task force of senior barge and towing industry executives. The program in- cludes three principal parts — management/ad- ministration, equipment/inspection, and human factors — reflecting the role each of these compo- nents plays in ensuring safe and efficient vessel operations. The program seeks to complement and build upon governmental initiatives to im- prove safety in the barge and towing industry and to identify sound operating principles and prac- tices over and above the requirements of existing law and regulation.
After a series of regional outreach sessions were held around the country to generate AWO member feedback on the program and identify changes and improvements needed, the AWO board of directors last December voted unani- mously to accept the task force's recommenda- tions as a code of practice for member companies, and it set January 1, 1998, as the target date for full member compliance with the Responsible
Carrier Program. During this three-year imple- mentation period, the association will pursue a comprehensive member assistance program aimed at ensuring that all AWO member compa- nies have the tools they need to adopt the new safety program. AWO will also work to identify tangible incentives for companies adopting the
Responsible Carrier Program.
The program was officially unveiled at AWO's 50th anniversary luncheon on December 7 in
Washington by keynote speaker Deputy Secre- tary of TransportationMortimer Downey, who described the program as "far-reaching." Mr.
Downey applauded the industry's efforts, say- ing, "Secretary Pena and I believe, as you do, that the industry must be the first line of defense in the safety chain. The commitment of manage- ment and the competency of personnel are the bonding elements of genuine progress. This puts the primary responsibility on ensuring safety in the hands of the industry itself — where it belongs."
This is a groundbreaking achievement for the barge and towing industry. While its publication marks the end of an intensive effort by AWO's members to develop and establish a comprehen- sive safety program, it marks only the beginning of a national effort to strengthen safety in our industry, and ultimately save lives on our nation's waterways.
Moreover, the AWO Responsible Carrier Pro- gram and individual company quality practices will help to ensure the strength, viability and competitiveness of the industry long into the future.
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