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Page 57: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1995)
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Newport News signs letter Of Intent For live DooNe Ingle Tankers
Subject to HiarAd Title XI approval, deal with Van Ommeren Shipping includes options tor five tankers also
Newport News Shipbuilding, a unit of Tenneco, announced that it has signed a letter of intent with
Van Ommeren Shipping (USA) Inc., to build five 46,000 ton Double Eagle product tankers, with options for up to five more. This marks the company's third sale of the Double
Eagle since the design was intro- duced a year ago. The sale is pend- ing approval of Van Ommeren's application for U.S. government
Title XI loan guarantees, adminis- tered by the U.S. Maritime Adminis- tration (MarAd). Double Eagle tank- ers are approximately 600 ft. (183 m) and 105 ft. (32.2 m) wide, with a dwt of 46,500 tons.
Van Ommeren provides shipping, transportation and tank storage ser- vice on a global basis, and owns 26 ships, including eight U.S. flag ves- sels. "Our company's main strategic objective is to be at the forefront in tanker storage and shipping. These new ships will be a part of the sys- tematic modernization of our fleet and help us maintain our strict qual- ity and safety standards," saidNick van Reesema, president of Van
Ommeren Shipping.
According to Ed Waryas, direc- tor of commercial marketing at New- port News, "This new order for the
Double Eagles' design meets the needs of a wide range of commercial customers and will be a recognized class of vessels... Building this ship in a series will allow us to hold our costs down and increase our chances for winning new customers for this and other commercial ships." New- port News Shipbuilding, located in
Virginia, has built more than 750 ships, including a wide range of commercial and military vessels.
For more information on NNS
Circle 30 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Info. Service
Appoints VP of Sales
John F. Liss has been named vices president of sales at Rijnhaave
Information Services, Inc. (RIS), a systems integration consultation organization. He will be respon- sible for the continued growth of the company's Data Warehousing
Decision Support, Information
Technologies and Professional Ser- vices Divisions. RIS is the U.S. arm of the Rijnhaave Group, a Dutch multi-national company, providing data processing, systems design and integration and network manage- ment for clients in the maritime and other transportation industries.
Maritrans Announces
Management Changes
Francis D. Bailey, Jr. and Ri- chard T. McCreary will join
Maritrans Inc. as division presidents.
Robert J. Lichtenstein, Esq., was elected to membership on the board of directors. Mr. Bailey will serve as head of the company's Eastern
Division in Philadelphia, Pa., and will lead the overall coordination of
Maritrans'marketing programs. Mr.
McCreary will serve as president of the Gulf Division in Tampa, Fla., and will also coordinate the company's overall operations poli- cies. Mr. Lichenstein, a partner in the tax department of a Philadephia law firm, will continue to serve as outside counsel to Maritrans.
Maritrans owns and operates a fleet of tugboats and oceangoing pe- troleum tank barges along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, and oil storage terminals on the Atlantic coast.
Change Of Command At
USCG Marine Safety Office
On May 26, Captain Gordon D.
Marsh, U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), relieved Captain Thomas E. Th- ompson as commanding officer of the Coast Guard Marine Safety Of- fice in New Orleans, La. The Ma- rine Safety Office in Louisiana is the largest of 44 such commands in the USCG, and is responsible for two-thirds of Louisiana and Missis- sippi, and for commercial vessel in- spections in South and Central
North America. Commercial activ- ity includes deep sea, river, intracoastal waterway traffic, along with numerous shipyards and 600 artificial island and mobile offshore drilling units on the Outer Conti- nental Shelf. Capt. Thompson served in the Coast Guard for 27 years, and has been awarded sev- eral honors over the years. Among other positions, he was head of U.S. delegations to the former Soviet
Union and the International Mari- time Organization (IMO), where he was responsible for developing and negotiating the U.S.'s position for incorporation into international treaties.
BARGES 372 Feet 287 Feet
TUGS 1700 HP 2550 HP
Inspections: 20 June 1995 6 July 1995
For Information Contact:
INTERNATIONAL INC. 1100 University, 5th FJoor
Montreal, QC, Canada H3B 3A5
ATTENTION: Mr. Steve Easun
TEL: (514) 399-4291 • FAX: (514) 399-8298
June, 1995 Circle 366 on Reader Service Card 59