Page 102: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1996)
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Upturn In Gulf Spurs
American Oilfield Divers Inc. (AOD) said that, in anticipation of improved demand in the Gulf of
Mexico diving market, it has acquired the operating assets of
Gulf Coast Marine Divers Inc., a medium-sized, privately held com- pany, for an undisclosed sum.
AOD also announced that in sep- arate transactions, it acquired two, four-point anchor boats from two separate owners, as well as diving and related equipment from
Offshore Diving and Salvage Inc., a diving contractor currently in
Chapter 7 liquidation. "Based on several industry indi- cators, expectations are high that demand in the Gulf of Mexico div- ing market will steadily increase during the next several years," said George C. Yax, AOD's chair- man of the board, CEO and presi- dent. "As a result, I believe these are timely acquisitions which will increase our capacity to serve our
Gulf of Mexico customer base. We anticipate that the acquisition of
Gulf Coast assets will produce a minimum of $3 to 4 million of rev- enue for AOD over the next nine months. We expect to employ most of the Gulf Coast's offshore person- nel and look forward to working
Fast Ship from Proteus Engineering
FAST SHIP uses NURBS surfaces to assure fairness and flexibility when designing any hull, appendage or superstruc- ture. Featuring real time lines update while editing, hydrostatics and export to
IMSA& CAD programs,
FAST SHIP is used from concept to final fairing by the US Navy and leading ship designers and builders.
NavCad from HydroComp, Inc.
NavCad offers an integrat- ed platform to predict resistance and power, and to determine optimum propeller parameters.
With NavCad each aspect of a ship's performance can be evaluated for virtu- ally every type of displace- ment hull, semi-displace- ment and planing craft, river barge train, catama- ran and auxiliary-powered sailboat.
Hydrostatics (GHS) from Creative Systems, Inc.
Widely recognized as the most advanced and pro- ductive trim/stability/ strength software.
Specialized versions are available for ship opera- tors, for salvage engineers and for small craft design- ers. Includes efficient modeling for all types of complex vessels, and the ability to analyze them both afloat and aground.
ShipCAM &
NC-Pyros from Aibacnre Research Ltd.
ShipCAM4: Fairing, loft- ing, surface/surface inter- section, filleting between two surfaces and shell expansion for developable and compound curvature surfaces for ship construc- tion and repair.
NC-Pyros is a NC-code generator for burning fea- turing automatic path con- nection, leads and interfer- ence check.
Maestro from Proteus Engineering
MAESTRO is a structural design tool which com- bines finite element analy- sis, failure mode evaluation and multiobjective struc- tural optimization. Rapid modeling of structure and of realistic ship loads enable full ship structural analysis to be an integral aspect of the design process for ships, advanced and high perfor- mance vehicles, offshore structures and submarines.
A cooperative association of 20 Ridgely Avenue. Suite too software deivlopers with complementary Annapolis. MD l-iOl I SA marine design products. Tel: -410-268-^810 Fax: -ilO-2()8-~S12
Circle 282 on Reader Service Card 71 ALLWEILER Marine. Inc.
A Supplier of Marine Pumps Worldwide *
A complete range of pumps for the marine and offshore industries
A leader in the design & delivery of complete liquid oil/mud cargo pump systems for offshore vessels
Macerators for the grinding of ship waste and fish offal
We supply centrifugal, screw, propeller, eccen- tric screw, piston and hose pumps
HOUTTUIN Pump is now a member of the
ALLWEILER Group specializing in lube oil, fuel oil and liquid cargo pumps
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Com and erosion resisfa/if grapliftaif! composite that outperforms and oufete any melalipeferon he maM
ALLWEILER Marine, Inc. 1520 140th Ave. NE, Suite 110
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TEL: 954-587-9300 FAX: 954-587-0903
Circle 331 on Reader Service Card 88 Circle 273 on Reader Service Card with them."
Operating assets acquired fi
Gulf Coast Marine Divers incli four-point anchor boat Four Pc
IV (renamed Americ
Independence), diving support v sel Sonya Maria (renam
American Scout), as well as misc laneous diving and marine cc struction equipment.
The two four-point anchor boa acquired by AOD were the 220- (67-m) Seahawk Retrieve (renamed American Constitution and 170 ft. (52-m) New Constructi (renamed American Triumph
Both vessels will operate in th
Gulf of Mexico, replacing two ves sels in AOD's Gulf of Mexico fleel which will be positioned oversea for international opportunities particularly in the West Africai market.
Krupp MaK's
New M 25
Photo of the new Krupp MaK M 25. A more complete techni- cal piece was featured in the
May edition of MR/EN (pg. 68), but photos were unavailable for the May edition.
As reported in the
May edition of
MR / EN, Krupp MaK has introduced the M 25, a member of the company's long-stroke engine generation six, eight and nined-cylin- der in-line engines.
Following is a list of the engines' specifica- tions: 1 /r ) flA
C yHffi m
AM \ / \
Pictured is a cr| section of
MaK diesel engin| 25.
M25 Technical
Bore 255 mm
Stroke 400 mm
Cylinder rating 290/300 kW
Speed 720/750 revs/min.
Mean piston speed 9.6/10 m/s
BMEP 23.7/23.5 bar
Pmax 190 bar
Specific fuel oil consumption .. .185 g/kWh at 100% mor 184 g/kWh at 85%
Specific lube oil consumption 8 g/kWh
Engine rating (6M 25) 1740/1800 kW (8M 25) 2320/2400 kW (9M 25) 2610/2700 kW
Gen rating (6M 25) 2060/2140 kVA (8M 25) 2750/2850 kVA
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News