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ScanMarine Celebrates Founding With New Contracts
ScanMarine Group of Sweden AB has recently celebrated its fifth anniversary with the completion of two contracts for SweFerry, located in Helsingborg, Sweden. Work on the car/passenger/train ferry M/S
Aurora involved updating the ves- 1980s. In 1995, ScanMarine also fulfilled contracts for other promi- nent maritime interests, including: fire and sound insulation work for a Chinese owner at Mathias
Thesen Werft GmbH MTW in
Germany; management and super- vision work for high-speed megay- acht monohull constructed by
Samsung Heavy Industries Co.
Ltd. in Korea; and involvement in interior planning, installation and delivery of materials for a Russian research vessel under contract with Oresundsvarvet AB, Celsius
Industrier, Sweden.
For more information
Circle 52 on Reader Service Card Pictured is a side view of ScanMarine yard dock facilities.
The interior shell of a ScanMarine production dock. sel's interior areas, including work on the vessel's money exchange area, specifically, the installation of security measures. Scan-
Marine's contract for the M/F
Trelleborg — a ferry similar in function to the Aurora — involved demolition, rebuilding and instal- lation of new units — including the vessel's reception area, office and archives.
The company has great faith in the refit and newbuild market, according to chairman S.H.
Sorensen, and is reportedly involved in the first Swedish civil newbuilding project for a Swedish owner at a Swedish yard since the slowdown experienced in the
Sonardyne Installs SIPS On
Second Seismic Vessel
Sonardyne Ltd., U.K., has installed its Seismic Integrated
Positioning System (SIPS) of PGS
Exploration's Ramform Challenger.
The vessel was recently completed at Langstein Shipyard, Norway.
Ramform Challenger is the second of the seismic exploration vessels with a special triangular hull to be built for PGS exploration. The first was the Ramform Explorer, which also had a Sonardyne SIPS acoustic positioning system installed.
Ramform Challenger is config- ured to tow as many as 16 stream- ers in an array that can be up to half a mile wide. The precise posi- tion of the streamers along their lengths of over 3 km must be moni- tored at all times. PGS called on
Sonardyne to further develop SIPS to meet the demanding require- ments of this configuration.
SIPS, which won the Queen of
England's Award for Technological
Achievement in 1994, is already reportedly in service on 80 percent of the world's 3-D seismic fleet.
For more information on Sonardyne
Circle 84 on Reader Service Card
June, 1996 107
At Jeffboat we've been building double-skin tank barges since 1942-long before governmental regula- tions mandated them. You see, we've always had a commitment to building the highest quality, most durable barges we can. Which means, we take the time to build our barges with wheelabrated steel, sturdy epoxy coating systems, and, of course, double-skin hulls.
No wonder Ashland Petroleum
Company, the nation's largest transporter of petroleum on the inland waterways, chose us to build 68 new, state-of-the-art tank barges for its fleet. For more infor- mation about our quality-built tank barges, including our competitive prices, give us a call at 812-288-0200.
Whether you want a standard design or have your own specs, we can build what you need. After all, we've been doing it for over 50 years.
America's largest inland shipbuilder.
Circle 226 on Reader Service Card