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Mfg. Co*/ Inc*
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ISOGUARD System has approached the rust problem in an unconventional way.
The IS0TR0L/1S0GUARD System has & a low surface tension combined with low viscosity and high total solids. With these characteristics
ISOTROL/ISOGUARD penetrates the substrate of rusted steel surfaces and encapsulated all rust particles. It also encapsulated inorganic salts and removed them from the electrolytic system.
In Addition ISOTROL/ISOGUARD bonds onto the mother metal lattice, eliminating all air and moisture pockets. When it dries it presents a pore-free surface to the atmosphere.
WITHOUT SANDBLASTING. (AMERICA) INC. 2911 Dixwell Ave., Suite 101, Hamden, CT 06518
Phone: 203/ 407-3841 • 800/ 200-3599 • Fax: 203/ 407-3840 ^ 2 Circle 412 on Reader Service Card
NNS lays Keel For First Of Nine
Double Eagle Product Tankers
On April 22, Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS), a division of Tenneco, laid the keel for
Despotico, the first of nine double-hulled commer- cial product tankers the shipyard is building for two different customers.
It is also the first commercial ship the company has built since 1957.
Despotico is the first of four tankers to be built for Eletson Holdings of Piraeus, Greece. The keel is made up of part of the inner bottom assembly of the ship.
It consists of the lower forward bulkhead of the engine room, the lower section of the pump room, sloptank, aft cargo tank, fresh water wash tankers and aft ballast tanks. The total weight of the unit is approximately 280 metric tons, and it is approx- imately 80 percent pre-outfitted. The ship is scheduled for delivery in January 1997.
In addition, NNS is building five Jones Act
Double Eagle product tankers for Hvide/Van
During its 110-year history, Newport News
Shipbuilding has built approximately 800 ships, including both commercial and naval vessels.
For more information on NNS
Circle 83 on Reader Service Card
Daewoo Completes Korea's First
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Daewoo Heavy Industries Ltd.'s Shipbuilding division has completed production of Korea's first
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), which dives to a depth of 19,685 ft. (6,000 m). The divi- sion's Ship and Ocean R&D Institute (SORDI) completed the vessel in collaboration with the
Institute for Marine Technology Problems (IMTP) of Russia, at a cost of $2.5 million.
Shaped like a torpedo, the AUV, dubbed Okpo
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News