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Calcium carbonate is a vital resource for many industries.
Aragonite is used in the manufac- ture of Portland cement, lime, steel and glass, as well as in animal feeds, construction aggregate, and in numerous agricultural applica- tions.
The annual worldwide consump- tion is approximately two billion tons, with the U.S. accounting for nearly one-third of that total.
Nearly 100 percent pure, with only a small trace of other miner- als present, aragonite grains are oolitic (egg-shaped), smooth, and near white in color. The substance is tasteless, odorless, non-pollut- ing, dustless, non-toxic and easy to handle.
Its chemical purity, size consis- tency, and small grain structure provide numerous benefits to industrial users. It is also ASTM- approved as a fine aggregate.
Hopper Barge Details
The motorized pulley conveyor drive hopper barge is one of three barges that shuttle between the
Ocean Cay base and the ocean dredging site. Each barge can carry up to 1,500 tons of aragonite; on-loading and offloading takes approximately one hour. Powerful tugboats provide the motive power.
DjgitgL Gyro Repeaters • Large super-bright Digital Heading
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B ile dit j DUO m - Position —
Last Updated: 22 00 Voyage flESv
Latitude: 36*80.l'N TypeOfrix: : GPS
Longitude: 8U"10.0 H 1 1 < Vie» > < Update > ] - Heading
Cur Gyro True Hag Conpass
RPM Course hrror Course Variation Course Deviation Course hrror 115 882° 000.0 0O5.0H IE* 32®3 08T IE3E, c Reuirn Data Sheet . > < Enter Data Stieet. .. > - Watch text lent lopic Cflsualty Drills 1 Check Off List: Pre Departure | 1000-2480 Underway as before. fl/B Knox. A/B Duochowski and 0/S Krotzer ilternate heln, lookout and roving patrol. Conducted steering by hand ilectric training. If you read this detail call for a special price offer.
Ingine roon conducted casualty drill 'D-18'. Continuous rounds Made about [the ship, fill found in good order. Vessel rolling and pitching to heavy
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ShipsLog report generator allows you to send reports to the printer, screen, or file. ShipsLog for DOS is immediately available in both single user and network versions. ShipsLog for Windows™ scheduled for release March 1996.
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Circle 331 on Reader Service Card
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Circle 273 on Reader Service Card
The 60-hp pulleys drive 42-in. wide, 450-ft. (137.2 m) long convey- or belts at speeds of up to 600 ft. (182.9 m) per minute. Mr. Ochs explains, "The conveyor equipment is always wet; often the pulleys are completely submerged.
The salt water environment is one of the most challenging in the mining industry. That's why we continually search for equipment that will eliminate components susceptible to rust and corrosion. "One minor bearing or gear fail- ure may shut down production for an extended period of time. All replacement components and parts must be located on the mainland, then flown in, to be installed by our maintenance people.
Now that the new motorized pul- leys and the completely sealed take-ups have eliminated many exposed bearings and all exposed gears, life is a lot easier for main- tenance crews."
Motorized Pulley Details
The electric motor and the gear drive are enclosed within the out- ershell of the JOKI motorized con- veyor pulley.
The motor shaft does not rotate.
Power is transmitted to the outer shell through a geared ring which is fixed to the rotating member.
Since there are no external motors, gear reducers, sprockets or chains, OSHA chain guards are not required, hence operator safety is improved. All moving parts are enclosed within the pulley, which eliminates the need for continual adjustment and yearly mainte- nance.
The motor and gears run in a heretical sealed oil bath, which ensures that all moving parts are properly lubricated and cooled.
Since synthetic oil is used, one oil change is recommended every 40,000 hours of operation, and this is accomplished without removing the JOKI motorized pulley from the conveyor. The JOKI pulley is available in a wide range of sizes, standard ratings and speeds — with diameters from 8.5 to 31.5 in., and face widths from 10 to 94 in.
Non-standard widths are also available. Drive motors are rated from 0.15-hp to 180-hp. Belt speeds range from 14 ft. (4.2 m) to 1,080 ft. (329.1 m) per minute.
For more information from Interroll
Circle 22 on Reader Service Card
Tracor Wins Navy Contract
For Communications
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Tracor Applied Sciences, Inc., an
Austin, Texas-based division of 134 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News