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Internacionais Ltda. (FCI), Av. das
Americas, 1155- Si. 1507 - Barra da
Tiiuca 22631-000, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, tel: +55 21 439 9097/9313; fax: +55 21493 8203.
ASNE Flagship Section Symposium: 3rd week of October, Washington, D.C.
Contact: Whitney Emerson, American
Society of Naval Engineers, 1452 Duke
St., Alexandria, Va. 22314-3458, tel: (703) 836-6727; fax: (703) 836-7491.
Seatrade Tanker Industry Convention:
October 29-30, Royal Lancaster Hotel,
London, U.K.
Contact: Michael Kazakoff, Princeton
Forrestal Village, 125 Village Blvd., Suite 220, Princeton, N.J. 08540-5703, tel: (609) 452-9414; fax: (609) 452-9374.
China Portex '96: October 30-November 2, Shanghai, China.
Contact: Hamburg Messe und Congress
GmbH, Postfach 30 24 80, 203308
Hamburg/JungiusstraBe 13, Germany; tel: +49 040 3569 2190; fax: +40 040 3569 2187.
Ausmarine '96: November 4-7,
Fremantle, Australia.
Contact: Baird Publications, 10 Oxford St.,
South Yarra 3141, VIC, Australia, tel: +61 39 826 8741; fax: +61 39 827 0704, or in the U.K. at 4A Carmelite St., London,
EC4Y 0BN, tel: +44 171 353 1085; fax: +44 171 353 1084.
Ship Repair & Conversion 96: November 5-6, Olympia 2 Conference and Exhibition
Centre, London, U.K.
Contact: John Gwynn-Jones, BML Business
Meetings Ltd., 2 Station Rd.,
Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 1QP,
U.K., tel: +44 923 776 363; fax: +44 923 777 206.
ASME Turbo Asia '96: November 5-7,
Jakarta, Indonesia.
Contact: Tonia Miller, IGIT Expositions, tel: (404) 847-0072; fax: (404) 847-0151.
SSC/SNAME Symposium: Quality and
Human/Organizational Error in Ship
Structures: November 18-20, Sheraton
National Hotel, Arlington, Va.
Contact: Alex Landsburg, tel: (202) 366- 1923; fax: (202) 366-2288.
Viet Portex '96: November 26-29, Hanoi,
Vietnam. Contact: Hamburg Messe und
Congress GmbH, Postfach 30 24 80, 203308 Hamburg/JungiusstraBe 13,
Germany; tel: +49 040 3569 2190; fax: +40 040 3569 2187.
AWO Winter Conference: December 4-5,
Ritz Carlton, Washington, D.C.
Contact: American Waterway Operators, 1600 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 1000, Arlington,
Va. 22209, tel: (703) 841-9300; fax: (703) 841-0389.
Asia Pacific Cruise Convention: December 4-7, World Trade Centre, Singapore.
Contact: Chris Cotton, Miller
Freeman/Seatrade, 4401 China
Resources Building, 26 Harbour Rd., Hong
Kong, tel: +852 2827 9128; fax: +852 2827 7831.
International Workboat Show: December 5-7, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center,
New Orleans, La.
Contact: Diversified Expositions, P.O. Box 7437, Portland, Maine 04112-7437; tel: (207) 842-5508; fax: (207) 842-5509.
ASNE Channel Islands/Inland Empire
Sections Combat Systems Symposium:
December 10, NSWC Port Hueneme,
Contact: Annette C. Verna, American
Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE), 1452
Duke St., Alexandria, Va. 22314-3458; tel: (703) 836-6727; fax: (703) 836- 7491.
Seatrade Asia Pacific Cruise Convention: no announced days, Singapore.
Contact: Michael Kazakoff, Princeton
Forrestal Village, 125 Village Blvd., Ste. 220, Princeton, N.J. 08540-5703; tel: (609) 452-9414; fax: (609) 452-9374. 1997
Underwater Intervention 1997: February 17-19, Adams Mark Hotel, Houston,
Contact: Underwater Intervention
Committee, 2611 FM 1960 West, Ste. F- 204, Houston, Texas 77068, tel: (800) 316-2188; fax: (713) 893-5118.
MARCH 1997
ASNE Day 1997: March 17-19, Sheraton
Washington Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Contact: ASNE, 1452 Duke St.,
Alexandria, Va. 22314-3458, tel: (703) 836-6727; fax: (703) 836-7491.
Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal
Environments: Technology and
Applications: March 17-19, Clarion
Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Fla.
Contact: Wendy Raeder, conference coordinator, ERIM, P.O. Box 134001, Ann
Arbor, Mich. 48113-4001; tel: (313) 994-5123; fax: (313) 994-5123; e-mail: [email protected].
International Gaming Business Expo '97:
March 18-20, 1997, the Sands, Las
Vegas, Nev.
Contact: Ullo International, Inc., 200
Connecticut Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06856-4990, tel: (203) 852-0500; fax: (203) 838-3710.
APRIL 1997 1997 International Oil Spill Conference:
April 7-10, 1997, Fort Lauderdale
Convention Center, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Contact: Conference Manager, 1997 Int'l
Oil Spill Conference, 655 15th St., NW, #300, Washington, D.C. 20005, tel: (202) 639-4202; fax: (202) 347-6109.
MAY 1997
Offshore Technology Conference '97:
May 5-8, Astrodome U.S.A. Complex
Houston. Contact: Offshore Technology
Conference, P.O. Box 833868,
Richardson, Texas 75083-3868, tel: (214) 952-9494; fax: (214) 952-9435.
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Circle 226 on Reader Service Card
JUNE 1997
Nor-Shipping '97: June 10-13, 1997.
Contact: Norwegian Trade Fair,
Sjolystsenteret - Sjolyst Exhibition Center,
P.O. Box 130 Skoyen, N-0212 Oslo,
Norwa,. tel: +47224391 00; fax: +47 22431914
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Circle 363 on Reader Service Card
June, 1996 141