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AFT Fathom 2.0 for Windows greatly simplifies the pipe flow analysis process by providing a powerful visual interface. Models are built by simple drag-and-drop operations thereby saving time and reducing errors. Full- featured Windows graphing is provided. English and SI units supported.
Networks up to 1000 pipes can be modeled.
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Na\al Architects, Murine, Methunicul. jikI Electrical Engineers
Port Of Portland Contracts Liftech For
Crane Upgrade
The Port of Portland Commission recently con- tracted with Oakland, Calif.-based Liftech
Consultants, Inc. for the design of an upgrade for one of the Port's oldest container cranes at
Terminal 6 (T-6). The new design will serve as the blueprint for engineers to retrofit the 1970s- era crane to post-panamax capability, in order to enable it to better serve vessels that call at T-6, especially during high water conditions, and facilitate the servicing of a larger, new genera- tion of ships calling at the Port.
The redesign will involve increasing the crane's height by 19 ft. (5.7 m) to 95 ft. (28.9 m), extending its boom by 26 ft. (7.9 m) to 145 ft. (44.1 m), reducing its overall width by 19 ft. to 88.5 ft. (26.9 m), and doubling the distance or gauge between the unit's legs.
Last fall, the Port installed its first 100-ft. (30.4-m) gauge, post-panamax container crane at T-6. To serve the new crane, a new set of rails had to be laid that were twice as wide as the existing rails used by the other five panamax- sized cranes at the container terminal. The
Port's only other post-panamax crane was recently relocated from Terminal 2 on the
Willamette Rive, to its new working home at T-6 on the Columbia River. This move was neces- sary to increase T-6's container handling capaci- ty and productivity as the Port's container busi- ness continues to expand. The crane and rail upgrades are part of a three-year, approximate- ly $40-million Terminal 6 enhancement and expansion program.
Sonsub And Seateam Team To Provide
ROV And Survey Services
Sonsub International Ltd. has announced the formation of a worldwide cooperative agreement with The Seateam Group, covering the provision of totally integrated remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and survey services. The agreement is designed to provide industry with access to the technical and innovative capabilities of Sonsub's global intervention services, coupled with
Seateam's extensive survey capabilities, includ- ing the company's Dolphin data capture and management system.
Both companies have reportedly mobilized onboard STM Markab to support a project in the
North Sea off the Norwegian coast. Sonsub will deploy an ROV through the vessel's new moon- pool, which is an innovative new design aimed at increasing the vessel's all-weather capabilities.
A second, fully-integrated ROV and survey spread onboard STM Atria was scheduled to be mobilized in April to support inspection and con- struction projects on the northwest European continental shelf.
Seateam offers a wide range of survey support services covering offshore exploration, construc- tion and inspection, including digital and analog site investigations, ROV and analog route sur- veys, ROV and analog pipeline inspections and construction support.
Sonsub develops and applies solutions for sub- sea and hazardous environments, providing environmental remediation, cable and pipeline burial, remote systems engineering, subsea pro- duction systems and ROVs. The company also recently contracted with McDermott Subsea
Contractors Ltd. in the U.K. to provide ROV ser- vices to support British Petroleum's project off the West coast of Shetland. Sonsub will report- edly mobilize two, 100-hp Triton Advanced
Remotely Operated Work Systems (AROWS) and one 75-hp ROV to complete the job.
For more information on Sonsub International Ltd.
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June, 1996
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