Page 74: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1996)
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Fednav Names Seaway
NewbuilcJs During Shanghai
The Fednav Group, a Canadian shipowing and chartering compa- ny, named two 34,000-ton, St.
Lawrence Seaway-suitable bulk carriers in a ceremony at the
Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai on May 17.
The first vessel, due for delivery this month, was named Federal
Calumet by Mary Culver, spouse of David Culver, chairman of
CAI Capital Corp., Montreal.
The second vessel was named
Federal Saguenay by Janet
Bumstead, spouse of David
Bumstead, executive vice presi- dent of Noranda, Inc., Toronto.
Both vessels were launched into the Huang Pu River in an unusual twin ceremony. These two ships are reportedly part of a six-ship package deal, with three vessels scheduled to come into service this year, and three scheduled for ser- vice next year.
According to Fednav, these ves- sels are an indication of its com- mitment to the future of the Great
Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway
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RAPID EVACUATION of 400-450 persons in less than 30 min.
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MARINE EVACUATION SYSTEM • dual track slides available
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Circle 331 on Reader Service Card Circle 273 on Reader Service Card 76
New Ashtech GPS Blends
On May 22, Ashtech, Inc., a
Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company involved in finding precision solu- tions for global positioning, announced the introduction of its
GG24 receiver, reportedly the first single-board receiver to tightly inte- grate U.S. Global Positioning
System (GPS) and Russian GLObal
Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) satellite-based naviga- tion technologies. Ashtech has stat- ed that this product is the first fully integrated receiver designed to take advantage of both disciplines, for commercial and non-military pur- poses.
The GG24's ability to receive and use signals from not only 24 GPS satellites, but also from the 24
GLOSNASS satellites, ensures its rapid integration into a wide variety of high-precision sea, land and air- based applications on a global scale.
For more information on Ashtech, Inc.
Circle 114 on Reader Service Card
FBM Marine Wins Order For
FBM Marine of Cowes, Isle of
Wight, U.K., has been awarded a contract to build two, 75.4-ft. (23-m) passenger transfer craft for the U.K.
Ministry of Defence (MOD). The vessels are scheduled to be delivered in July and September 1997, and are the first vessels of a small water- plane area twin hull (SWATH) design ordered by the agency.
The 75-passenger vessels will be used in support of Flag Officer Sea
Training (FOST) at Plymouth to transfer staff quickly and comfort- ably from warships and auxiliaries within the breakwater and in open sea condition. The vessels will be fitted with twin marine diesel engines of approximately 450-kW each, driving conventional pro- pellers to service speeds in excess of 11 knots in sea state 3.
For more information on FBM Marine Ltd.
Circle 116 on Reader Service Card
Orkot Names Allied Marine
Exclusive U.S. Distributor
Orkot, a manufacturer of fabric reinforced composite materials used in marine applications, has appoint- ed Allied Marine Services (AMS) as its exclusive marine distributor for the U.S. AMS will distribute marine products such as the compa- ny's specialized bearing composites, for example, Orkot's rudder and sta- bilizer fin bearings designed for operation in demanding marine con- ditions.
AMS has recently undergone an expansion program, opening offices in Connecticut, Washington and
Texas. The company's qualified en-
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News