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ITCLA Publishes Minimum Tank
Inspection Criteria
The International Tank Container Lessors
Association (ITCLA) has published a tank con- tainer inspection manual, entitled Acceptable
Container Condition, marking the first initia- tive to be taken by the new trade association.
The new association was formed to represent the tank container leasing industry to public and governmental bodies, and to address issues of concern to this industry. Founding members include Cronos, Eurotainer, Stolt
Tank Containers, Transamerica and Trans
Ocean. The new manual describes acceptable and unacceptable conditions for all aspects and components of tank containers, including cleanliness, frame, walkway and ladder assembly, insulation and cladding, manway assembly, safety relief valves, top and bottom valves, pressure vessel, heating and miscella- neous items.
For more information on the manual
Circle 95 on Reader Service Card
MMS Integrates FleetLINK Software
With MSAT Service
Marine Management Systems' (MMS)
FleetLINK software now provides e-mail and data transmissions between ships and shore offices via MSAT satellite service.
Wilderness Cruises/Special Expeditions, a cruise operator headquartered in Seattle, recently implemented FleetLINK's new MSAT service option. FleetLINK provides low-cost data communications via Inmarsat A, B, C and cellular services, in addition to the recently- added MSAT option.
Wilderness had been using FleetLINK via
Inmarsat C, and was interested in using the new MSAT service with the FleetLINK soft- ware. Wilderness approached MMS to develop a solution, which they did.
The MSAT service uses a geostationary satel- lite. FleetLINK's new MSAT communications option transmits a digital signal directly from a computer to a satellite without the use of a modem. Through the MSAT service,
FleetLINK can reportedly transmit faster than and without the file size limitations of
Inmarsat C.
For more information on MMS
Circle 99 on Reader Service Card
STN Offers New IMO & lALA-Compliant VTS
STN Atlas Elektronik has extended its 9730 range of Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) systems with the introduction of a new, low-cost, stand- alone assembly that reportedly meets IMO and IALA VTS recommendations - the Atlas 9730-A.
Capable of automatically tracking more than 300 targets at any one time and incorporating electronic sea chart facilities with integral edi- tor functions, the system comprises either an
X or S-band remote control Atlas radar with variable antenna sizes, a radar data processor with a high-resolution raw data scan convert- er, and an operator workstation consisting of a keyboard-controlled, 21-in., color monitor together with support software. A 29-in. mon- itor is available as an option.
The system is designed for manual and auto- matic target acquisition, with measurements presented in lat/lon and range/bearing coordi- nates. Operational parameters provided include collision alerts, fairway supervision,
June, 1996 speed alarms and anchor watch, as well as buoy and navaid drift alerts.
For more information on STN Atlas
Circle 98 on Reader Service Card
Wheeler Becomes U.S. Agent For
Romanian Yard
Wheeler Associates has become the exclusive
U.S. agent for 2 Mai Mangalia shipyard in
Romania. The first American vessel to be repaired in the relatively new shipyard is 62,500-dwt MV Themera of Transglobal Sea
Carriers, Inc., New York, with extensive steel renewals scheduled to be performed.
The facility is reportedly the largest in
Romania, capable of handling ships weighing up to 200,000 dwt. Three drydocks are available: one 984.2 ft. (300 m) long and 157 ft. (48 m) wide for newbuildings, and one 1,181 ft. (360 m) long and 196.8 ft. (60 m) wide for repairs, both of which have crane capacity for 16, 50 and 120 tons; and the "step" newbuilding dock with two gantry cranes with 480-ton capacities.
For more information on 2 Mai Mangalia
Circle 96 on Reader Service Card
VACUUM SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM competitive prices quiet operation simple to install contemporary styling small diameter piping • 2-3 pint flush • "in-place" maintenance • compact design • light weight • vertical lift capability 1
Model AVT 2010
Model AVT 2000, Wall Mount Unit, also available.
For additional information or quotations for your specific requirement contact:
Jered Brown Brothers, Inc. 1608 Newcastle Street
Brunswick, Georgia 31520-0904 912/262-2000
Circle 171 on Reader Service Card
SEA WATER SERVICE? • More tensile strength than stainless, iron, or bronze. m Better corrosion!cavitation erosion resistance in salt water.
Made of Ampco Allot/ #483. (ASTM B-271 and MIL-B-24480)
Less expensive than stainless steel.
RSW, Circulation, brine tanks, condenser cooling, process seawater, bilge, fire, potable water and more.
Ampco Pumps 4000 W. Burnham St., Milwaukee. Wl 53215 414/643-1852 FAX 414/643-4452
Circle 161 on Reader Service Card
Choose from a wide array of stainless steel ties ith BAND-IT's vast choice of lengths, widths, thicknesses, types of stainless steel, colors and fastening methods you can have the exact tie you need. They're safe to handle with no sharp edges. And most are available for immediate delivery.
Want a self-locking tie? Our Multi-Lok
Ties, coated or uncoated, feature a unique, multiple lock that holds over 200 lbs. Fasten by hand or with a choice of easy-to-use tools.
Need a full-tension lock? Tie-Lok Ties and Mini Tie-Lok Ties in type 304 or 316 stainless steel provide a strong, safe, permanent single wrap tie with a patented non-slip dual lock.
Reusability? BAND-IT Ties can be used over and over again. Coated with Nylon 11 for extra corrosion resistance, you can apply them with a BAND-IT tool or by hand.
Get the complete story on the broadest selection of stainless steel ties in the industry. Call BAND-IT or your local distributor today.
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
P.O. Box 16307
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Toll Free 1-800-525-0758
Circle 163 on Reader Service Card 81