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We J'a/uexour business

It's ozone-friendly

Refrigerant-134a for people'friendly performance.

It's maximum cooling capacity in the least amount of space. fit your specific need.

For you, the comfort factor is working with a supplier who provides everything you need. Air conditioning and refriger- ation. New installation and retrofit.

Backed by expert technical support, worldwide. You value a business relationship built on personal seh ice. on Notices to Mariners corrections and new chart additions, and releases updated charts to sub- scribe* three times a year^

Interim "TMaiES. -q^wfa' 'avail- able to subscribers as new data is added and major changes are incorporated.

CartogAphic production centers are fully! operational by C-Map in six countries (Italy, U.S., Canada,

Poland, Russia and Norway), while further R

Canada and Russ

To ensure the accuracy and preci- sion of its electronic charts, C-

MAP incorporates quality assurance pr

The first phase coij ing that digital multi-stage- agram.

Isists of verify- fa matches the source used includes t toVbreate it, and geometric entities :ebruary, 1997 53

The Creation Of A Worldwide ECDIS Database For more information from C-Map Circle 20 on Reader Service Card




Despite per si ste»^*OT3sra«4£s m placing thjr long-await

Electronic Jfhart Display and

Information System (ECDIS) on the bridjffes of SOLAS-class ships, continuous progress is being made.

The (f-MAP Group has responded by mounting an effort to digitize the world's shipping routes and ports in aa IMO-compliant format.

C-MAP hate put into motion a process whic\ it believes will ulti- mately lead t\ improved naviga- tional capabilities for the world's commercial fleet ig completion of a C-MAP is nea worldwide dat incorporate al required by the of the world.

Presently, its nearly 10,000 2,500 of which upgraded to (System Elec base that will of the charts commercial ships ibrary consists of digitized charts, ave already been n ECDIS SENC onic Navigational

Charts) standard.

The effort wll be completed with the upgrading of another 1,000 charts.

International cooperation has been obtaineil from scores of marine electronic equipment man- ufacturers, \ shipowners,

Hydrographic (Jffices and individ- ual mariners. Labk of official vali- dation by HydrXgraphic Offices has been a majoA impediment to the acceptance an<\use of ECDIS worldwide.

To solve this proBiem, The C-

MAP Group has enflered into a number of non-traditiInal collabo- rations with hydrogriphic offices and government institutions.

Not only have thesafalliances and affiliations enabledr the work to move forward; tYpy have become something of a jnodel for the type of international cooperation which is essential j/o the completion of

ECDIS daja for implementation aboard all/SOLAS-class vessels. ©1995 Carrier Transicold

Circle 253 on Reader Service Card such as points, lines and areas, af well as database infosjartffion. performed by two sets of technicians.

The C-Map Group updates its chart database continuously, based \e preceding was exClTrpiaJJrom an article by Dr. Fosco Bianchetti, president and CEO of C-MAP, and

Ken Cirillo, vice president and gen- eral manager of C-MAP / USA. 90CM Marine Centrifugal Chiller (5,000kW)

Value is a full line of chillers and condensing systems for every cruise vessel.

It's compact, space-saving design for new installations.

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.