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Pool Company, Gulf Offshore Division is seeking a retired or soon to be retired United States Coast Guard individual who has worked in the Coast Guard Marine Inspection
Divison and is familiar with the rules and regulations of the United States Coast Guard as they apply to mobile offshore drilling units. This position offers top pay and top benefits. Relocation to the New Orleans area is required.
Please send your resume to Pool Company, 3640 Peters
Road, Harvey, LA 70058-1831. Qualified individuals only need reply. E.O.E./M/F/DA/.
Circle 310 on Reader Service Card
ICE VALVE & FITTING a division ol V.V.S.. Inc. - Servicing llie Gulf Coast for nil your piping needs -
Your full service source for all U.S. standard and metric valves, pipe fittings, pipe and tubing.
Houston, TX • Phone: (713) 641-6733
Fax: (713) 641-3107
Mobile, AL • Phone: (334) 438-5130
Fax: (334) 438-5140
Circle 327 on Reader Service Card
Future Vending, Inc. is currently looking for Scrap Ships for demolition.
Price should be somewhere around $50 to $70/T LDT.
Weight of the ship sold should be at least 2,000 T LDT.
We'll pick up your ship anywhere in the world.
Our company will pay Towing Certificate and towing costs.
Please call, fax or send us an e-mail
FUTURE VENDING, INC. 690 W. 80th Street
Miami, Florida 33014 "Suppliers to the World"
Tel: (305) 821-0539
Fax: (305) 823-4992
E-mail: [email protected]
CANADIAN MARITIME REVIEW with electronic alarm and fog signalling includ- ed. Marine intercom and video information systems are also available through United
Marine Communications.
Albacore Research Ltd.
Albacore Research Ltd. develops PC-based software for ship manufacturing. Recently
ARL has announced the addition of CAD-Link, a shipbuilding software product designed to provide shipbuilders with an easy-to-use and powerful ship production program to create and manage the drawings required in ship- building.
The program runs with AutoCAS R13 for
Windows, Windows 95 and Windows NT. ARL has also recently released ShipCAM96, a fair- ing and lofting program that provides capabili- ties for compound curvature and developable plate expansion, generating shell expansion drawings, inverse bending curve frames and longitudinals from stock profile without form- ing templates, generating pin jig assemblies, and calculating weights and centers of gravity.
In addition, it provides frame and surface loft- ing functions and a geometry editor with fea- tures for: trimming, intersecting, and offset- ting surfaces; generating a variety of cambered deck surfaces; filleting between two surfaces; and projecting lines onto surfaces.
ShipCAM96 is compatible with ShipCAM4 and data imports from all ship design software and integrates with all major CAD systems using the DXF exchange format.
ARL now includes bevel cutting capabilities for its advanced NC code generation program,
SAFETY FLOORING © W.S. Molnar Company
SlipNot Products are designed for new installation or retrofit
Falls are the number one worker accident.
Let us help you get a grip on this problem.
SlipNof's unique Safety
Flooring is an anti-slip, non- gritted Grip Plate® or Grip
Grate®, available in steel, stainless steel or aluminum.
It is USDA and FDA approved and exceeds
OSHA and UL safety stan- dards.
See why SlipNot® Safety
Flooring outlasts all com- petitive materials; call, today,
NC-Pyros Pro for Windows.
Autonav Marine Systems
Autonav Marine Systems recently reported another successful year of increased sales in both autopilot and steering systems.
A 16 ton Metre steering system with inte- grated and automatic rudder locking pin sys- tem was recently supplied to Industries Davie in Levis Quebec, for the Polyvalent Ice
Breaking Ferry under construction for STQ.
Silva Sweden, distributors of the Autonav autopilot in Europe, has reportedly placed a large order for autopilots from Autonav.
Clarke Chapman Canada
Clarke Chapman Canada offers products and management, operation, and maintenance services for naval and commercial ships, ports, terminals, and land-based and offshore indus- tries. Its products include deck machinery,
FPSO cranes and hose reels, ship loaders/unloaders, stackers and reclaimers, dockside cargo, shipbuilding, grabbing, off- shore and multi-purpose cranes, syncrolift ship lift systems, marine boilers, valves and desali- nation equipment.
Western Machine Works
Western Machine Works, manufacturers of hydraulic tow pin units, cable hold-down blocks and stern rollers, recently recorded sales to the U.S., Spain and Italy. In addition, a new model of towing pin was developed for Rosetti Marino SPA, Italy.
This towing pin, of very heavy con- struction, will be fitted on a new tug to enable a tow line to be safely led from the end of the vessel when ship berthing.
Western Machine Works also provides assistance in developing or adapting spe- cial designs to suit individual require- ments. for free sample & complete information: 1 -888-SLIPNOT
U.S. Patent No.s 4961973, 5077137
SlipNot Safety Flooring Division
W.S. Molnar Company 2545 Beaufait Street, Detroit, Ml 48207
SAFETY FLOORING (313) 923-0400 Fax (313) 923-4555
Allied Shipbuilders Ltd.
Allied Shipbuilders Ltd., a family-run shipbuilding, ship repair and ship design firm located on the north shore of
Vancouver Harbour, delivered the
Skeena Queen, a 110-m, 100-vehicle,
Century Class Ferry for B.C. Ferries in
March, 1997.
Malcolm McLaren, contracts man- ager at Allied, said the U.S. $15 million ferry contract was the largest and most valuable single project completed by the shipyard in a decade.
The Century Class Ferry has a unique hull shape which minimizes wave-mak- ing, enhances sideways performance and enables reasonable transit speed at rela- tively low power.
Circle 341 on Reader Service Card
Circle 251 on Reader Service Card