Page 33: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1997)
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ategic Alliance Struck tween SEACOR SMIT And tiles Offshore iEACOR SMIT Inc. and Chiles fshore announced on August 6 i agreement for a strategic liance between the two compa- es. Under the terms of the p-eement, SEACOR will invest
Dproximately $9 million in Chiles ffshore LLC and will commit $26 dllion for investment in rig-own- lg partnerships to be formed. !hiles Offshore also announced a ontract with Amfels, Inc., for the onstruction of a second rig, a ^eTourneau Super 116 jack-up lrilling unit. Both this unit and a
Dreviously contracted rig now under construction at Amfels, a
LeTourneau Enhanced 116C unit, will be capable of drilling in water depths up to 360 ft. (109.73m)
According to SEACOR's chair- man, Charles Fabrikant, SEA-
COR will still primarily be con- cerned with its financing and mar- keting marine assets. He sees the investment in Chiles Offshore as a complement to SEACOR's main business of providing transporta- tion and logistics services to sup-
Iport drilling and production in off-
Ishore areas. Commenting on the [agreement, Bill Chiles, president of Chiles Offshore, said, "We have
Ichosen to offer investors an alter- native to indirect ownership of rigs ia common stock. Ownership of the assets via partnerships means
Ithat investors can benefit directly
Ifrom the substantial cash flows [attainable under today's market [conditions and also realize any [potential capital appreciation."
In addition, Chiles reportedly | intends to order additional rigs [and syndicate units in the rig-own- [ing partnerships. As a result of the [agreement, SEACOR will own 50 [percent of Chiles Offshore and pro- [vide strategic and financial direc- tion for the developmental pro- [gram. |Cory Towage Limited Wins
Tanker And Barge Handling
U.K.-based Cory Towage Limited las won a contract to serve the
Itanker and barge handling [requirements of Statia Terminals
IN.V. at its St. Eustatius oil storage [and transshipment terminal in the [Netherlands Antilles. The long- |term contract, commencing in July, involved assisting tankers up to 300,000 dwt onto Statia Terminals'
SPM (Single Point Mooring) buoy, controlling each vessel's position during discharging operations, push and pull towing of tankers to the finger jetty, towing barges between the terminal and ships at anchor, and fire-fighting and pollu- tion control duties.
Two 3,800 bhp/54 tons bollard pull tugs have been assigned to the
Statia Terminals N.V. contract by
Cory Towage. The 14-knot vessels feature twin screw cp propellers and Kort steering nozzles, to pro- vide the precise control of tug speed, power and maneuverability.
In addition, the vessels are equipped for fire-fighting and pol- lution control requirements. They carry 40 tons of foam and 11 tons of oil dispersant, plus full Warren
Springs Laboratory equipment with a fixed Megator pump for fast, effective distribution of emul- sifiers and dispersant onto oil pol- luted waters. "These features have enabled
Statia Terminals N.V. to provide
September, 1997
Stazione Marittima Porto di Genova s.p.A., Palazzo San Giorgio, Via della Mercanzia, 2, Genoa 16123, Italy
Passenger Office: Francesco Sabatini, Tel. +39.10.2412763 35 Circle 204 on Reader Service Card
CO-ORGANIZER OF arittima Porto di Genova s.p.a.
Genoa ' Host Efficient Port Services f farope .
Dream World
Cruise Destinations
Stazione Marittima Porto di Genova S.p.A. designs, builds and manages structures for passenger traffic services.
In addition, the Company know-how and management systems supplied may be easly adapted to other harbour needs.
Apart from managing the traffic of passengers in the Port of Genoa, the
Company has: • restructured the Cruise Terminal of Ponte dei Mille and awarded contracts for wharf extension works in Ponte dei Mille; • awarded contracts the New Ferryboat
Terminal; • organised the "Seatrade Mediterranean
Cruise and Ferry Convention", held in
Genoa every two years, in collaboration with The Seatrade Organisation.
The Company has been granted the concession of the area going from Ponte dei
Mille to Ponte Caracciolo, covering appoximately 250,000 sq.m.
The new transport logistics applied, spedally tailored to the needs of passengers (speed, service quality, on board and ground assistance) permits to:
The Company makes tenders for the realisation of harbour works in Europe and
In addition to the technical parameters defined in accordance with each sperific site and maritime effectiveness, a series of models have been borrowed from the current logistics utilised at airport and motorway systems for the design of projects.
The company know-how is the result of the technical knowledge acquired in the field of architecture, engineering and logistics.
The know-how thus developed, in fact, may be placed at the disposal of over Italian and foreign harbours to build New Terminals or better manage passenger traffic. • supply better assistance to both Cruise and Ferry passengers; • simplify passenger and luggage Customs operations in the case of international flights; • rationalise passenger, car and heavy transport traffic by applying airport methodologies in the case of cruise passengers and motorway methodologies in the case of passengers and vehicles embarked on ferries; • optimise mooring, refuelling and catering depature of ships; • considerably reduce passenger embarkation and landing times thus favouring tourism in the Old Town Centre of Genoa, full of cultural and artistic resources.