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IISCG Seeks New Members Of Tewing Safety Advisory Committee
The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) is seeking applications for appoint- ment to membership on the
Towing Safety Advisory
Committee (TSAC). TSAC is a 16- member federal advisory commit- tee that advises the Secretary of
Transportation on matters related to shallow-draft inland and coastal waterways navigation and towing safety.
The advice and recommendations of TSAC also assist the USCG in formulating U.S. positions at meetings of the International
Maritime Organization (IMO).
The committee usually meets at least twice a year at USCG head- ' - AN] WVITTO
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Special meetings may also be called. Subcommittee meetings are held to consider specific prob- lems as required.
The USCG will consider applica- tions for five positions that expire or become vacant in October, 1997, as follows: • two members from the barge and towing industry, reflecting a geographical bal- ance; • one member from port districts, authorities or ter- minal operators; • one member from mar- itime labor; and • one member from the general public. (Applicants should have expe- rience in towing operations, marine transportation, occupa- tional safety and health, environ- mental protection issues, or busi- ness operations associated with the towing industry.)
Each member serves for a term of three years. A few members may serve consecutive terms. All members serve at their own expense, and receive no salary, reimbursement of travel expens- es, or other compensation from the federal government.
Applicants may be required to complete an Executive Branch
Confidential Financial Disclosure
Report (SF 450).
To achieve the balance of mem- bership required by the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, the
USCG is especially interested in receiving applications from quali- fied women and minorities.
Those persons who have previ- ously submitted applications must reapply as no applications received prior to this solicitation will be considered.
Application forms may be obtained by writing to the
Commandant (G-MSO-1), U.S.
Coast Guard, 2100 Second St.
S.W., Rm. 1210, Washington, D.C. 20593-0001; by calling (202) 267- 1181; or by faxing (202) 267-4570.
For further information, please call Lt. Lionel Mew, assistant executive director, at tel: (202) 267-0218.
Circle 267 on Reader Service Card Circle 264 on Reader Service Card 76 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News