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When it comes to choosing high seas communications, it pays to follow a familiar landscape.

YI&I Mobile Satellite Services. Global solutions from the oldest, most trusted name in long distance.

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Of all the choices you once had for communicating on the open sea, finding one company with a full portfolio of services to fit your needs was difficult.

Plus high-capacity C-band Intelsat Service and lightweight mobile communications to and from the most remote areas on land.

But now there's AI&T Mobile Satellite Services.

True global mobile services that feature end-to-end, direct-dial ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship Inmarsat

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Services like AEKET High Seas Direct * . The global direct-dial high-frequency radiotelephone service that connects to any phone in the US ... for the new low rate of just $1.29 a minute.

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.