Page 46: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1998)
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SingTel Unveils New Services
At Boat Asia '98
Singapore Telecom (SingTel) was scheduled to introduce its latest Inmarsat Marine satellite communications services - the InTouch Card,
MPLUS Marine Satellite Phone and Inmarsat-
C/CPLUS — at Boat Asia '98. These services are designed for small and private ship owners who rely on radio and cellular phone services for communications to and from vessels. By using the latest technology, these new satellite services reportedly offer enhanced security by incorporating encryption of information trans- mitted over the satellite link.
Circle 7 on Reader Service Card
MTN Provides Telecommunications
Service To Princess Cruises
ICG Satellite Services, Inc. subsidiary
Maritime Telecommunications Network (MTN) has signed a multi-year, multi-million dollar agreement with Princess Cruises to provide the communications for the cruise line's fleet, including the new Grand Princess, the largest cruise ship in the world. Grand Princess fea- tures MTN C-Band communications equip- ment, as well as live video broadcast capability. "We chose to expand our relationship with
MTN because .... Grand Princess requires advanced communications technology. The
MTN system meets both our technological requirements today, as well as our anticipated requirements as we grow and demand more voice, data and video broadcast capabilities," said Rick James, senior vice president of Sales and Corporate Relations, Princess Cruises.
Circle 8 on Reader Service Card
BOATRACS Offers Two-Way Satellite
BOATRACS offers a two-way, satellite-based data communications and positioning system which reportedly allows users to reach vessels hundreds of miles away at all times. Designed and manufactured by wireless communications provider QUALCOMM, the BOATRACS system provides software for use both on vessels and onshore. Message composi- tion, automatic message forwarding and retrieval and fast access to message and position history information are sup- ported by the office software, QTRACS.
Circle 9 on Reader Service Card cross licenses for their respective patents relat- ing to global telecommunications systems. In addition, TRW will receive certain distribution rights in the U.S. for ICO products and ser- vices. These agreements will reportedly allow for a merging of both companies in implement- ing a medium-earth-orbit satellite system.
Circle 11 on Reader Service Card
Station 12
Station 12 satellite telecommunica- tions network utilizes a series of satel- lites which allow customers to transmit data, voice, fax and telex through a series of different services, specifically designed for maritime application and substantial data. Services available from Station 12 include Inmarsat-A, B,
C, M and mini-M.
Circle 10 on Reader Service Card
TRW Acquires ICO Shares
TRW Inc. has acquired an equity interest in ICO Global Communications, under which TRW received 1.5 million
ICO shares, or approximately seven per- cent of ICO's current outstanding shares, with a face value of $150 million.
The two companies will grant each other
Inmarsat Sets Sights On Exploring New Territory
Inmarsat is reportedly ready to seek strategic commercial investors before seek- ing a flotation. Director General Warren
Grace said that the current investors, comprising one communications company from each of Inmarsat's 81 member states, will have the ability to sell stakes to out- side investors in the period between setting up a commercial structure at the beginning of 1999 and flotation two years later.
Inmarsat reportedly wants to develop the range of its communications systems, particularly the Horizons project for high speed data transmission to handheld per- sonal computers. Strategic investors could come from the companies bidding to devel- op space technology for the $2 billion pro- ject due to be operational by 2002. It will provide data at rates of 144KB/ second to lap top PCs and video conferencing; file downloading and Internet connections will be possible in remote areas.
According to Mr. Grace, there will be a 15 percent ceiling on share holdings and an intergovernmental organization will remain at the center to prevent the articles of the company being changed. Inmarsat will continue to provide global satellite dis- tress messaging services to the maritime and aviation industries and to relief orga- nizations working in inaccessible regions, he said. Inmarsat's existing signatory com- panies will become shareholders in the new company on levels equivalent to their exist- ing investments. They will be able to trade shares among themselves for a year before
Inmarsat becomes able to introduce strate- gic investors. The U.S., which holds a 22 percent stake in Inmarsat and whose sig- natory representative is Comsat Mobile
Communications, is understood to have been unhappy about the commercial advantages the body may have been able to take in the past. But Mr. Grace is confi- dent that the new structure would over- come concerns. Investment bank SBC
Warburg Dillon Read has been appointed to advise on the IPO. 38
Radio-Holland Caribbean N.V. Curacao N.A.
Phone: ,599 94 612577 • Fax: ,599 94 612723
Oton R. Klein S.A. Buenos Aires
Phone: +541 760 0202 Fax: ,541 760 6389
Rubin Marine - Arlarmon NSW
Phone: +61 2 94392333 - Fax: +61 2 94392278 a.m.i. sales O'Connor, Western Australia
Phone: +61 89 337 3266 • Fax: +61 89 314 2929
Aeradio Technical Services Mina Salman Port
Phone: +973 727790 Fax: +973 727811
Graphics Communications Ltd. Dhaka
Phone: +880 2 8922440 Fax: +880 2 883627
Antwerp Marine Radio Company N.V. Antwerp
Phone: +32 3 202 0499 Fax: +32 3 202 0493
O.L. Naval Ltda. Rio de Janeiro
Phone: +55 21 509 8667 Fax: +55 21 242 7934
International Marine Technologies Ltd. Rousse
Phone: +359 82 228216 Fax: +359 82 279115
Radio Holland (Canada) Ltd.. North Vancouver
Phone: +1604 293 2900 Fax: +1604 293 2930
Serprotec LTDA Valparadiso (Deep Sea)
Phone: +56 32 232780 Fax: +56 32 212215
Simrad Chile • Santiago (Fishing)
Phone: +56 2 235 1068 Fax: +56 2 235 8732
BELAM-Zastupstvo i Servis Rijeka
Phone: +385 51 672343 Fax: +385 51 672179
A. P. Hadjipieros Ltd. - Limassol
Phone: +357 5 345972 Fax: +357 5 345973
Nautical del Ecuador Manta
Phone: +593 5 628900 • Fax: +593 5 628910
Suez Electronics Free Zone S.A.E.( Alexandria
Phone: +20 3 4806899 Fax: +20 3 48041%
Suez Electronics Engineering & Trading Ltd. - Cairo
Phone: +20 2 2742911 • Fax: +20 2 2745219
A/SRSTA Tallinn
Phone: +372 6 312082 • Fax: +372 6 312082
S.P. Radio ATS Denmark
Phone: +45 98180999 Fax: +45 98186717 (tor further information)
ASPO Systems OyEspoo
Phone: +358 9 422155 Fax: +358 9 422908
Navidec Oy Helsinki
Phone: +358 9 7001 7780 Fax: +358 9179 830
Geolink - Roguevaire
Phone: +33 4 42 32 99 00 Fax: +33 4 42 32 94 95
SDM Electronigue • Sartrouville Cedex
Phone: +33 1 39146833 Fax: +331 39133022
Elna GmbH Rellingen/Hamburg
Phone: +494101 30100 Fax: +494101 301214
Electro Med Marina 8ay
Phone: +350 77077 Fax: +350 72051
Marac Electronics S.A. Perama - Piraeus
Phone:+30 1 43 1 4361 Fax:+301 43 14234
S.P. Radio A/S Denmark
Phone: +45 98180999 Fax: +45 98186717 (tor further information)
Radio-Holland Marine B.V. • Rotterdam
Phone:+31 104283344 Fax:+31 104281498
Sailtron B.V. - Utrecht
Phone: +31 30 2944741 Fax: +31 30 2937642
Radio Holland Group Kwai Chung N T.
Phone: +852 24239007 Fax: +852 24805898
Hoi Tung Communication & Navigation Co. Ltd
Phone: +852 25421262 Fax: +852 25431137
Radiomidun Ltd. Reykjavik
Phone:+354511 1010 Fax: +354511 1020
Elcome Marine Services Pvt. Ltd. • New Bombay
Phone: +91 22 763 23 48 • Fax: +91 22 763 23 51
PT Panorama Timur Jaya • Jakarta
Phone: +62 21 475 6788 Fax: +62 21 4751688
Kaman Hormozgan Marine Engineering - Tehran
Phone: +98 21 222 8020 Fax: +98 21 222 4502
Alhout-Yam Ltd. • Haifa
Phone: +972 4 86 20804 Fax: +972 4 8627404
Compagnia Generale Telemar Roma
Phone: +39 6 3221800 Fax: +39 6 3240148
Generalmare est S.R.I. -Chiavari
Phone: +39 185 32 33 56 Fax: +39185 32 27 31
Optim Afrique - Abidjan
Phone: +225 251843 Fax: +225 257937
Nautical Afrique . Abidjan
Phone: +225 250136 • Fax: +225 250137
Kaigai Gijyutsu K.K. Yokohama
Phone: +81 45 6647318 Fax: +81 45 6647320
Samyang Radio Co. Ltd. • Pusan
Phone: +8251413 5000 Fax: +82 51 413 5002
Elcome International. Safat
Phone: +965 2406822 Fax: +965 2406833
Commercial Co-Ordination Centre W.L.L. Safat
Phone: +965 2462347 Fax: +965 2454350
Transas Baltia Riga
Phone: +371 7286585 - Fax: +371 7821202
MALTA Medcomms Ltd. - Gzira
Phone: +356335521 Fax: +356310820
Nautica, S.A. de C.V. • Mexico D.F.
Phone: +52 5 6519740 Fax: +52 5 6512825
Soremar Casablanca
Phone: +212 2 442802 Fax: +212 2 305385
Electronic Navigation Ltd. • Auckland
Phone: +64 9 3735595 Fax: +64 9 3795655
Wrights Ltd. Wellington
Phone: +64 4 568 8975 Fax: +64 4 568 8361
Netarcomms Nigeria Ltd.. Lagos State
Phone: +234 1 871662 Fax: +234 1 264 6083
AEG Norge A/S-Oslo
Phone: +47 22 89 78 00 Fax: +47 22 89 78 04
International Aeradio Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Karachi
Phone: +92 21 5837800 Fax: +92 21 5870331
Proveedora Tecnica, S.A. Panama
Phone: +507 227 3533 Fax: +507 2271053
Radio Holland B.V. (Philippines) Inc. - Manila
Phone: +63 2 527 5865 - Fax: +63 2 527 5866
EPA Ltd. • Szczecin
Phone: +48 914 874 885 Fax: +48 914 875 014
Nautel - Electronica Maritima. Lda. • Lisbon
Phone: +351 1 39 20 940 Fax: +351 1 39 20 949
Eastern Technical Services Co. Doha
Phone: +974 477412 Fax: +974 478282
Imsat Maritime SA Constanta Constanta
Phone: +4041 639038 Fax: +40 41 674356
Transas Marine Ltd. • St. Petersburg
Phone: +7812 567 2090 Fax: +7 812 5671901
Moretron Ltd. Murmansk
Phone: +47 8510144 Fax: +478510144
Key Communication Development Ltd. • Dammam
Phone: +966 3 8336940 Fax: +966 3 8330728
Optim Senegal • Dakar
Phone: +221 8234930 Fax: +221 8229676
Radio-Holland BV Singapore
Phone: +65 8622218 Fax: +65 8622430
Cape Maritime Electronics (Pty.) Ltd. Cape Town
Phone: +27 21 551 3204 Fax: +27 21 551 3206
Radio Holland Group Paarden Eiland (Cape Town)
Phone: +27 21 511 0864 Fax: +27 21 511 7577
Nautical. San Sebastian de los Reyes (Madrid)
Phone: +34 I 6549411 • Fax: +34 1 6549600
Ring Marine Communication AB • Askim/Goteborg
Phone: +46 31 668400 • Fax: +46 31 683660
Racal Svenska AB Vastra Frolunda (Goteborg)
Phone: +4631 292100 • Fax: +46 31 292109
Unimax Electric & Co.. Ltd. Kaohsiung
Phone: +886 7 815 9775 Fax: +886 7 815 1 775
Alcatel Tunisie - Tunis Cedex
Phone: +2161 717177 Fax: +216 1 719888
Elektro-Deniz Ltd. - Istanbul
Phone: +90 216 392 77 29 Fax: +90 216 392 8018
Elcome International L.L.C. Dubai
Phone: +971 4 342333 Fax: +971 4 342465
Ships Electronic Services Ltd. - Rochester (Kent)
Phone: +44 1634 295500 Fax: +44 1634 295536
Electromaritima Uruguaya Ltda. • Montevideo
Phone: +598 2 924 77 89 Fax: +598 2 924 71 38
Radio-Holland USA, B.V. - Houston (Texas)
Phone: +1 713 943 3325 Fax: +1 713 943 3802
Circle 290 on Reader Service Card