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998, KVH Industries. Inc. KVH Tracphone and TracVision are registered trademarks of KVH Industries. Inc. USSB is a registered trademark ol USSB. Inc. DIRECTV is an otlicia' 'rad«WKolt>WJ
Circle 194 on Reader Service Card
Brings the Cost of
Satellite Telephone & TV... to Earth
TRACPHONE®50 19.6" 0
TRACPHONE® 25 stronger than competing systems. suited for boats as small as 35:
Digital TV at Anchor or Underway
TracVision II is 19.6"0
Call, fax, write or visit our website for more information! www.kvh.com' Ǥj
KVH industries, Inc. 50 Enterprise Center, Dept 410, Middletown, Rl 02842 U.S.A.
Phone:(401)847-3327 Fax:(401)849-0045 E-Mail: [email protected] • Affordable Global Voice, Fax, and Data
KVH's Tracphone products are fully stabilized marine telephone systems delivering reliable voice, fax, and data via the services of AMSC's regional N. American satellites or the new worldwide Inmarsat 3 satellites.
Tracphone 50 is a commercial grade marine tele- phone that provides better coverage in fringe areas due to its powerful 12.5 db antenna that is 100%
Tracphone 25 is KVH's new compact Inmarsat marine telephone system. Its great performance, economical price and small size make it perfectly llest fully stabilized satellite television system available. No matter what the sea conditions, TracVision II delivers entertaining pro- grams from DIRECTV® and USSB® ..-..,.. liiii il
TracVision Galaxy is KVH's new stabilized television system that delivers DIRECTV in Latin America!