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Page 82: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 1998)
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Page Advertiser Product R/S# Page Advertiser Product R/S# 78 A. Van der Velden B.V. steering gear & rudders 200 83 In-Place Machining crankshaft repair 252 37 ABB Flakt Marine marine equipment & supplies 201 23 Insulations, Inc. marine contractors 253 73 ABB Turbo Systems AG propulsion 202 60 Int'l Communications Group communications 254 51 ABB Turbochargers turbochargers 203 65 Intecolor Corp. marine monitors/computers 255 50 ABR Co. Ltd. marine equipment & supplies 204 4 Intergraph ship design 256 7 Advanced Marine Technology electronic charting display 205 12,13 Iridium N.A. satellite communications nrsn 85 Air Marine Systems surplus electrical/diesel 317 76 JW Fishers underwater cameras 257 71 Alaska Diesel engines 206 c2 Karl Senner propulsion equip. 258 62 Albacore Research cad-cam systems 305 63 Kockums Computer Sytems AB computer systems 259 c4 Alfa Laval fuel & oil treatment seperators 207 57 KVH Industries Inc. satellite communications 260 17 American Mobile Satellite satellite communications 208 15 L & M Botruc Rental Inc. utility supply vessels 308 82 American Shipyard Corp. shipyard 209 21 Lang Manufacturing marine equip. 261 41 Astilleros Espanoles shipyard 210 82 Leevac Shipyards shipyard 262 45 AT&T Mobile Satellite satellite communications 211 14 Leica Navigation marine navigation 263 69 Auramarine Ltd. marine equipment & supplies 212 22 Lloyd's Register software 264 46 Bainbridge flame retardant temporary covering 318 76 Loews L'Enfant Plaza hotel 265 39 Boatracs Inc. sattelitecommunication 213 55 Mackay Communications navigation/satellite comm. 266 10 Bollinger shipyard 214 75 Man B&W Diesel diesel engines 319 38 Brunvoll A/S thrusters 215 69 Marcon International, Inc. ship sales & charters 267 64 CADMATIC cad/cam 216 42 Marine Accomodations interiors 310 32 Carrier Transicold refrigeration 217 54 Marine Gears gears 268 5 Castrol of North America marine oil 218 48,49 Mobil Oil synthetic lubricants 269 67 Caterpillar Inc. engines 219 54 Nautical Safety Products Int'l safety covers 313 10 Centa Corp. propulsion 220 56 Nera AS communications 270 24 Cincinnati Gear Co. marine gears 221 1 Newport News Shipbuilding shipbuilding 271 77 Coastal Oceanographies marine electronics 222 84 Ocean Technical Services inflatables 272 70 Corroseal, Inc. coatings/corrosion control 309 44 PCS Marine Technologies consultants 273 78 Creative Systems hydrostatic software 223 59 Pinpoint navigation Systems navigation systems 321 78 CSD North America sealing system 224 65 Proteus Engineering computer software 274 72 Custom Ship Interiors ship interiors 225 16 Puget Sound Rope ropes 275 58 Daihatsu Diesel (USA), Inc. diesel engines 314 3 Raytheon navigation 276 21 DataStar Marine Products Inc. integrated monitoring systems 226 38 Roxtec AB marine equip. 277 16 DBC Marine Safety Systems evacuation systems 227 9 RW Fernstrum cooling systems 278 70 Dewijs Marine International marine equipment & supplies 228 52 S.P. Radio A/S communications 279 44 Directions In design interiors 307 53 S.P. Radio A/S communications 279 c3 Eastern Shipbuilding shipyard 304 83 Serck Como Gmbh marine equipment & supplies 281 31 Effer S.P.A. cranes 229 82 Silsan cylinders 282 34 Electrolux Marine shipyard 230 61 Skanti A/S communication 283 19 Electronic Marine Systems technology 231 30 Smith-Berger Marine deck hardware 284 21 Electronic Marine Systems technology 232 84 SNAME society 301 23 Electronic Marine Systems technology 233 83 Soundcoat noise control products 306 25 Electronic Marine Systems technology 234 80 Sovereign Rubber America marine equipment & supplies 320 82 Elliott Bay Design Group naval architecture 235 70 Sperre Industri A/S spare parts 285 66 Envirovac sanitation device 236 25 SSPA Maritime Consulting AB consultants 286 19 Exceltec sanitation 237 28,29 Stewart Stevenson diesel engines 287 47 Fairbanks Morse/Coltec Industries diesel engines nrsn 72 Stork Canada HVAC & R systems & equip 288 70 FCS, Inc. tank gauging system 238 72 Superior Energies Inc. manufacturing & contracting 289 27 Fincantieri Spa Cantieri Navali shipyard 239 80 Survival Systems, Inc. marine equipment & supplies 315 60 Fr. Fassmer & Co. shipyard 240 40 Tampa Bay Shipbuilding shipyard 302 35 Fuel Dynamics fuel decontamination 241 85 Teakdecking Systems teakdecking & flooring 316 78 G.J. Wortelboer Jr. B.V. anchors, chains 242 38 Teknotherm A/S marine refrigeration 290 11 GEC Althsom Diesel marine equipment & supplies 243 60 Telia Mobitel AB communications 291 35 General Thermodynamics cylinder load analyzer 244 79 Thermax bulkhead panel 292 84 Gibbs & Cox naval architects 245 31 UK Hydrographic Office marine equipment & supplies 293 39 Gislaved Folie AB marine equipment & supplies 246 43 Union Naval De Levante, S.A. shipyard 311 30 Giumma SRL wet units 247 54 Urethane Products Corp. foam filledfenders & buoys 294 68 Goltens Worldwide diesel engine repair 303 79 Victaulic Co. of America coupling system 295 36 Halter Marine shipyard 248 23 W & O Supply pipe joining products 296 82 Harrington Metal nozzle systems 249 44 Waterman Supply marine equip. 297 81 Hotel Monteleone hotel 312 24 Welin Lambie marine safety 298 77 ICG Satellite Services satellite communications 250 72 Western Machine Works shipbuilders 299 66 IMSA cadcam systems 251 65 Yachting Consult B.V. design 300 88
The listings above are an editorial service provided for the convenience of our readers.
Maritime Reporter & Engineering News