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PROTECTOR mmm&m 120 feet. 5,500 BHE Voith Schneider twin cycloidal propulsion.
Hydrofoil-shaped skeg. 300,000 pounds of indirect pull at 12 knots. More than just another answer - it's the solution.
When a new technology arises that benefits the maritime industry you can be sure that Crowley will be there in a leadership position. Our Protector
Class tractor tugs, shown here assisting an ARCO tanker in Long Beach, CA, once again demonstrate our tradition for innovation in vessel design and application. With 360° omni-directional thrust, our tractor tugs can perform a variety of maneuvers without having to reposition themselves.
Crowley Marine Services is currently operating tractor tugs in the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, Puget Sound, and Valdez, Alaska. In addition, Crowley's subsidiary, Vessel Management Services, Inc., is building two enhanced tractor tugs specifically designed to fulfill a customer's need in Alaska. At 153 feet long and over 10,000 BHP each, with Voith Schneider propulsion, these two tugs will be the most powerful, most capable escort vessels in the world. At Crowley we don't just supply an answer. We customize the solution.
For further information call Rob Grune at 1-800-248-8632. I®; CROWLEY MARINE SERVICES
Maritime solutions that change the tide.
Circle 309 on Reader Service Card
Harbor Services • Petroleum Transportation • Emergency Response • Contract Towing • Integrated Logistics
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