Page 23: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1999)
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First Harbor Master For
Windows Available
Zihua Software LLC has released
Version 4.0 of Harbor Master — ocean tide and tidal current prediction software for Macintosh and now for Windows operating systems. Harbor Master includes tides and tidal currents at over 6,000 locations in the U.S., Canada and
Mexico. Users may select from two regions, East Coast or West Coast of
North America, and data is available through the year 2001. Data can be dis- played in a table, graph or calendar for- mat. The program can also be cus- tomized to show data in real time.
Circle 38 on Reader Service Card
New Marine Data Service
Smiths Industries Pic and Fugro
Holdings Ltd. have formed ChartCo Ltd. for the broadcast by satellite of marine navigation and weather data to ships at sea. ChartCo broadcasts weekly notices to mariners and tracings to vessels
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There are other systems invested in the future. Sailor is not content simply to sup- ply superior communication systems - we also provide safety and satisfaction to our customers.
Therefore, when you buy a Sailor solution, you buy more than just the products - You buy safety. intelligent communication at sea
Less equipment - more communication. It is often said that big is beautiful, but sometimes it can also be rather size and performance in the GMDSS inconvenient. On board a ship, for market. instance, where space is often very lim- With the Sailor System 4000 ited, size does make a difference. GMDSS on board you not only satisfy
By introducing the new compact all the relevant requirements, you have
Sailor System 4000 GMDSS console, also made a sound investment in both
Sailor has set new standards for price, safety and efficiency; in short, you have
March, 1999 worldwide using the Inmarsat point to multipoint service. In addition to the core service, daily weather forecasts and differential GPS corrections are broad- cast to vessels subscribing to these ser- vices.
Circle 39 on Reader Service Card
Circle 317 on Reader Service Card
GL Software Updated
The POSEIDON software package from Germanischer Lloyd (GL) had been updated to Version 1.5. For all types of ships, the design and calcula- tion software for the interactive dimen- sioning of ship structures is designed to give yards and design offices a number of advantages in terms of enhanced quality and cost efficiency. Version 1.5 offers several new features including the integrated GL Rules covering the cur- rent state of rule development; addition- al commands permitting faster input; extension of the automatic generation of loads for FE models; 3D visualization of the geometry using FEMPL; improve- ments in the description of the trans- verse bulkheads.
Circle 40 on Reader Service Card
Trace Shipments Via Internet
Crowley American Transport has debuted a new Internet application on its website which will allow Crowley cus- tomers to trace their own shipments.
Using bill of lading, booking, equip- ment, dock receipt, vehicle identifica- tion (VIN) and/or shipper reference number, customers will be able to go to the Crowley website (http://www.crow- ley.com) and receive detailed informa- tion about the status of their shipments.
Information indicating the status date, the current status of the shipments, and the vessel, voyage, discharge date and location is provided. Customer service agents will still be available to track shipments by telephone.
Circle 41 on Reader Service Card
Focus On E-Mail Legality At
Shipping Conference
At GN Comtext's European Shipping
Users Group forum, Selva Naidu, an IT law specialist with the London firm
Holman, Fenwick and Willan, spoke on the legality of e-mail messages sent for contractual purposes. According to Mr.
Naidu, national laws adopt different approaches to contractual agreements and evidence, but e-mails could achieve legal status within a defined user group if members set up and observed their own terms and conditions which address the uncertainties and gaps in national legal systems. Confirmation that a mes- sage had been delivered and opened, as provided by GN Comtext's tracking sys- tem, might have some evidential value in some cases, he said. 23