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tions. Both companies however, will continue to oper- ate separately.
EXXON Offers Gear Oil
And Diesel Lubricant
Exxon's Spartan Synthetic EP industrial gear oil is designed to face the challenges of the frigid arctic and the sweltering tropics. Designed to keep flowing at -22 degrees F and colder, Spartan Synthetic is able to function in temperatures as high as 250 degrees F.
The lubricant can be applied to a variety of gear oil problems: limited product life, high-temperature loss- es, sludge formation, low temperature stalling, even inadequate load-carrying capabilities. It can also pre- vent oil-resistant gearbox seals from shrinking or swelling.
For riverboats, tugs and other harbor crafts, DE-
MART XT, a premium heavy-duty crankcase lubricant, is now available for both main and auxiliary diesel engines. DE-MART was approved by the General
Electric Company, and has performed in field trials for the Caterpillar 3600 and yielded top results. DE-
MART XT is a 13-TBN high-detergent zinc-free lubri- cant designed to reduce existing deposit levels in engines, as well as control deposits. It also has been proven to keep intake ports clean while minimizing ring and cylinder wear.
Circle 197 on Reader Service Card
Shell Argina Oil Passes The Test
Recent testing of Argina technology demonstrated the influence of the lubricant in preventing plunger sticking. Fuel pump plunger sticking is a problem that can be attributed to the lubricant used on the lacquer barrel of the fuel pump.
Following a 4000-hour trial running heavy fuel (mfo 180 est, average sulfur 3.27 percent) in the Wartsila 16V46 engine; and a 500-hour trial testing 380 est in the Warstila 4L20, both enginers were stripped and inspected. Reportedly, all parts remained in excellent condition. The engine was clean, without any black sludge, along with the piston undercrown and cooling galleries. Both the piston ring and linear wear showed low-levels of iron and aluminum.
Circle 196 on Reader Service Card
Drew Marine Offering Its Fuel Mill
Homogenizer As Management Program
Drew Marine, worldwide supplier of marine chemi- cals and water treatments, is offering its Fuel Mill homogenizer as a comprehensive fuel management program. The Fuel Mill is a milling machine that physically alters fuel characteristics. Once the heavy fuel is pumped through the machine's concentric, cone-shaped gears, it is exposed to frictional forces that shear asphaltenes as large a 70-100 microns - to-five microns. The decrease in asphaltenes, is designed to have the fuel pass through the purifier without forming sludge. The system can also be used to homogenize fuel with fresh water. Combining high-temperature and pressure, the process will then create a fine spray of water droplets that coat the fuel. Because of the high temperature, the water will flash into gaseous states of oxygen and nitrogen, which will combust, and create a reduction of air in the engine. As a result, there will be a decrease in NOx emissions.
Circle 195 on Reader Service Card
The AMOS 30/30
The American Marine Oil Systems (AMOS) 30/30, touted as a revolutionary oil and evacuation and deliv- ery system, comes equipped with two 75-ft., .75-in.
I.D., yellow non-scuff hoses on recoiling reels. The product is now available to commercial and military boat facilities.
The AMOS 30/30 was designed as an environmental- ly safe way to change oil on diesel and gasoline fueled inboard vessels of any size.
The oil is delivered through a commercial gear pump, which can be controlled by a digital metered oil gun.
The two- tank system can suck-out recyclable waste into one tank and contaminated waste into another. As a result, it is designed to maximize cost-efficiency while avoiding cross-contamination.
Circle 194 on Reader Service Card
Shell Updates "Know Your Fuels" Leaflet "Know Your Fuels," a series of leaflets, launched by
Shell Marine Service Worldwide, that provide back- ground technical information for individuals involved in the marine fuel industry have been updated to intro- duce new trends in the market. The leaflets highlight marine fuel specifications with emphasis on water con- tamination, energy evaluations, as well as a description of fuel costs and cleanliness.
Also introducing The Shell Marine Computer, the
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Circle 235 on Reader Service Card
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May, 1999 Circle 315 on Reader Service Card