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Thordon Marine Bearings: A
Proven Commodity
Thordon Bearings Inc., a member of the Thomson-Gordon Group, designs and manufactures a complete range of high performance marine propeller shaft and rudder bearing systems. Using
Thordon, a unique polymer alloy as the bearing wear surface, Thordon bearing systems offer exceptional wear life, a low coefficient of friction and are made to be easily machined on site. Thordon
COMPAC open water lubricated pro- peller shaft bearing systems naturally allow for no pollution concerns, offer low friction and are easy fitting. The
COMPAC system has some high-profile references, including Grand Princess,
Disney Magic and Disney Wonder.
Circle 65 on Reader Service Card
Rolla Maintains High Standards
This past year, Rolla SP Propellers has held the leading position in surface piercing and submerged propeller design, manufacturing and technology.
Supplying propellers that are efficient and reliable, the company offers a broad selection of products for commercial, naval and pleasure craft applications.
Circle 91 on Reader Service Card
Alstom Receives Order
A.P M0ller of Denmark has contacted
Alstom Drives & Controls for the supply and commission of a simplex dynamic positioning system for its offshore sup- port vessel, Maersk Promoter.
Alstom's DPS 901 system is a generic solution that deals with specific needs including cable laying and anchor han- dling, in addition to offshore support and ROV support vessels. The cost- effective system is easy to upgrade and will be interfaced to the thrusters, sen- sors and position measurement equip- ment - providing manual or automatic control of the vessel's position.
Circle 81 on Reader Service Card
Stainless Steel Acid proof
Centrifugal Pumps
Electric or Hydraulic Driven
HIGH PRESSURE PUMPS • Fire • Deck Wash • Circulation • Thawing
LOW PRESSURE PUMPS • Cooling Water • Ballast • Bilge • Circulation
EPC ikil B^tfl
P0 Box 70648, 3931 Leary Way NW
Seattle, WA 98107
Tel. 206-545-2209 • Fax 206-545-2819
E-mail: [email protected] • Service and Build Electrical Starters and Control Systems • Construct Electrical Panels • Distributor of Electrical Metric Frame Motors • Distributor of Stainless Steel Centrifugal Pumps
Circle 367 on Reader Service Card
Metal Manufacturing Division
Ship ik Gangways (portable) * Incline Ladders
Accommodation Ladders -k Bullwark Ladders (in stock)
Barge r Beam Type Gangways, Ladders (Dist. for Louisville Ladder) Handicapped Access * Ramps - Engineering Available * Pier Stands
Fiberglass Manufacturing Division •k Fire Hose Cabinets * Lifejacket Storage Boxes ik Fire Ext. Cabinets * Immersion Suit Cabinets •A Signal Boxes ik Oil Boom & Absorbent Storage Boxes ik Fiberglass Gratings (Dist. for Creative Pultrusions) • We Repair Fiberglass & Aluminum Lifeboats
Nautical Safety Products Intl.
P.O. Box 590462
Houston, Texas 77259-0462
Ph: (713) 643-7570
Fax: (281) 286-9751 Fax: (713) 643-6975
Many Items In Stock For Immediate Shipment www.nautsafe.com All Major Credit Cards Accepted
Circle 386 on Reader Service Card
Cargo level measurement: the leadership of AUXITROL with its stand alone radar ! AUXITROL
Tel + 33 (0)
Fax + 33 (0)
Email auxitrol.dcsyst @ wanadoo.fr
Auxitrol SA
Systems & Sensors Division 168, Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud cedex
SA au capital de 25 000 000 FRF - R.C.S Bourges B 602 023 251
Circle 214 on Reader Service Card
September, 1999
Effectively Eliminates All Inert Gas Soot Stains cd J*o . A A A A . A A A A A 1
CHlMICAl 6 eo no iPMEM CO INC 1
Letters of Testimonial Are Available From Captains Who Have
Successfully Used Exhaust Gas Cleaner
Gyro Exhaust Gas Cleaner is a premium mixture of industrial cleaning agents formulated specifically to penetrate and dissolve inert gas compounds that adhere to tank walls. Ease of application and environmen- tally safe make this product the preferred choice among tanker captains around the world. It will prepare your vessel for "water-white" chemicals. Vou will have no problem passing the methanol wall-wash test after cleaning with Exhaust Gas Cleaner. gyro chemical & equipment co., inc.
Mailing Address - P.O. Box 853. Deer Park. Texas 77536
Office & Plant - 5206 Railroad Ave.
Phone (281) 479-5905 • Fax (281) 479-6239
Circle 368 on Reader Service Card 71
RS 485 DATA * Standard MODBUS protocol (RTU) @ THOMSON CSF Technology ® Intrinsically safe by design ® Direct connection with : - SAMSUNG - KONGSBERG