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Information from Unitor Chemical Service
Boiler Water
Management at your fingertips
Unitor's new Boiler Water
Management System provides continual and precise control of important boiler water and condensate system conditions by automatically monitoring acidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity.
Overdosing is eliminated and therefore any changes in boiler water chemistry are instantly recognised. Chemical use is more economical than with manual dosing because overdosing is eliminated.
Unitor's new Boiler Water Management System provides continual and precise control of important boiler water and condensate system conditions by automatically monitoring acidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity.
For the vessel operator, use of the system results in reduced corrosion, reduced maintenance and reduced system downtime.
Additional benefits are that the system enables unmanned operations and reduces time spent on normal dosing and testing.
With the new system, dosing of chemicals is calculated from real time measurements which are taken regularly. Any changes in boiler water chemistry are instantly recognised and the dosing rate is automatically changed when the analysis results differ from the user defined control parameters.
The system can monitor water from up to three boilers at one time and data is automatically stored for logging of the treatment plan.
A user friendly, touch-screen interface displays trends for all analyses and chemical consumption, hotwell temperature and feed/make-up flow can also be viewed.
System access is password controlled.
With Unitor's New Boiler Water
Management System control and maintenance of your onboard boiler system is provided at your fingertips.
Key Features
Automatic control of boiler water pH chemistry
Automatic control of feedwater oxygen concentration
Automatic Total Dissolved
Solids (TDS) control of blowdown valves
Automatic control of chemical dosing
Monitoring of boiler water usage and throughput (when flow meters are fitted)
Data logging of all monitoring parameters for future graphical analysis
Comprehensive self-check and monitoring facility
Remote alarm system for unattended operation
Alarms for all out of range parameters and low make-up chemical level
Alarms for all system faults
Automatic monitoring of system service faults
Other New Unitor
Chemical Products • AUTOTREAT
Effective, safe boiler water conditioning chemical formulated for the Unitor Boiler
Water Management System. • OXYGEN SCAVENGER PLUS
Low toxic, DEHA based liquid oxygen scavenger • SPECTRAPAK 313
Test kit for boiler water treated with
Test kit for boiler water treated with
Improved formulation for wider distribution and better protection ®ACC PLUS
Non-toxic cleaner for air coolers and turbochargers
The Treatment
You Expect From
The World Leader p,: / _ . • \ ! *
The Treatment You Expect From The World Leader
Mail: Unitor ASA
P.O. Box 300 Skoyen
IM-0213 Oslo, Norway
Office: Drammensvn. 211
N-0281 Oslo, Norway
Tel:+ 47 22 13 14 15
Fax:+ 47 22 13 45 00
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