Page 62: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 2000)
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"Your locating arch for • • • _ "At one gamma sensitivity, the maximum practical sensitivity for a towed magnetometer, the
Proton 3 gives you the best cost/performance ratio of any magnetometer on the market today. The ultimate detector for iron and steel targets, it features a rugged tow fish, LTD display, 150/300 ft. cable, and is capable of a 1,500 ft detection range."
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Don't risk engine security, maintenance economy and proven peace of mind:
Specify CHOCKFAST ORANGE. ORANGE is the chocking compound ap- proved by every major classifi- cation society, including ABS rrm Philadelphia Resins
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Literature Review ^'ttMiiw
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Albacore Research Ltd.
ARL develops ShipConstructor, an integrated suite of ship production | software, consisting of the four mod- ules ShipCAM, CAD-Link, NC-
Pyros, and ShipReport. ShipCon- structor utilizes AutoCAD and
Microsoft Access, which drastically reduces training requirements, for c ating a complete 3D product model, minimizing re- work, improving product quality and therefore helping to save money, because the job is done right the first time. Circle No. 101
American Bureau of Shipping
ABS comprises three operating divi- sions: ABS Europe, ABS Pacific, and
ABS Americas with divisional head- quarters in London, Singapore and
Houston, respectively. The corporate office is also located in Houston.
This divisional arrangement allows decisions to be made at a local level, providing for quick response to industry needs. Each division is staffed with a complete complement of administrative, technical and operational personnel able to provide the full range of classification services. Circle IMo. 102
American Custom Yachts
ACY manufactures a variety of mold- ed fiberglass products from firehose and firesuit boxes to port hole casings I and personal effects trays, all available in both standard and custom sizes.
Looking for something new? If we can build the mold, we'll make it.
Call (561) 221-9100. American A /;.;< < '
Custom Yachts, 6800 S.W. Jack
James Drive, Stuart, FL 34997. www.americancusto- myachts.com Circle No. 103
Aurand introduces "Certifi-Clean," a new generation of time money and work saving tools that literally "peel" almost any accumulation from any hard surface.
Here is the power of sandblasting in a compact, hand-held tool that can be used wherever iron, steel, brick or concrete need to be prepped prior to painting or refinishing. Circle No. 104
Since 1948 Bug-O-Systems I has been manufacturing high quality, affordable automated j welding and cutting systems 1 for hand held tools. Our sys- tems are versatile as well as easy ; to set up and use. Operations such as grinding, touch up material handling, distortion and operator fatigue are virtually eliminated. Circle No. 105
Cambridge Applied Systems
Cambridge Applied Systems manu- factures patented electromagnetic vis- cosity management systems for "In- line" and bench top/ laboratory use.
Applications include accurate Heavy
Fuel Oil viscosity control and reliable
Condition Based Maintenance moni- toring of diesel, turbine and compres- sor lubricants. Circle No. 106
New stocking distributors: W&O
Supply (Antwerp, Rotterdam), CO™8C"« Inc-
Adamallys LLC (Dubai), Corroserv (Malaysia). Corroseal is now approved for use by the U.S. Navy. Industrial
Technical consulting provided by Coa,in£s
Jack Farrar in Houston: 281-334- 9579. For free sample and CD video call 800-237-1573 or www.cor- roseal.com. Circle No. 107
Circle 200 on Reader Service Card