Page 10: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 2000)
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Investment in Design
Powering-Up the Finnish Range
Costa Crociere's impressive new
Costa Atlantica gives first form to the so-called Panamax-Max generation from Kvaerner Masa-Yards, embodying the 8000-class design concept devel- oped in conjunction with the Italian operator and its parent Carnival group.
While providing a further, prestigious reference for the diesel-electric mode in conjunction with podded outboard dri- ves, encapsulated in two 17.6-MW Azi- pod propulsors, Costa Atlantica also ushers-in a new power rating for the popular Wartsila 46 medium-speed diesel.
The vessel's six diesel engines mark the seagoing debut of the D version of the Wartsila 46 design in a key sector of the market. The new model yields a 10 percent power increase over the 46C series, already one of the industry's most competitive designs. The cumulative effect of the uprating amounts to 5,670
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The Cortland Companies: S. nind K(i
KMY's Costa Atlantica kW in the case of the multi-engine installation employed in Costa Atlanti- ca.
Making for a 62,370 kW powerhouse, each of the 9L46D units develops 10,395 kW at 514 rev/min, and is con- nected to an ABB alternator delivering electricity into the main 11 kV system.
An important aspect of the machinery installation aboard Costa Atlantica is its division into two, completely indepen- dent systems, conferring full redundan- cy. Each 'half plant' incorporates three main diesel gensets plus fuel and ancil- lary systems, main electrical distribu- tion, control and automation.
Wartsila NSD's 460 mm-bore engine series, which has become a popular propulsion selection for large cruise ves- sels and passenger ferries in addition to mercantile tonnage, is produced at the extensively modernized Turku factory in Finland. Surging business for the
Wartsila 46 series this year has included the engine's nomination for a high pro- portion of the RoPax ferry projects implemented by European operators.
The design is also central to Wartsila
NSD's continuing, large-scale endeavors to provide new solutions to the market's increasing expectations as regards diesel engine environmental performance at large.
Circle 41 on Reader Service Card
SpecTec Acquired By Station 12
SpecTec's parent company Visma
ASA has signed an agreement to sell its marine division — SpecTec Group — to
Netherlands-based Station 12 for about $85 million. Station 12, which is 65 per- cent owned by Dutch telecommunica- tions operator KPN and 35 percent by
Australian telecommunications operator
Telstra, is a world market leader in mobile satellite communications.
SpecTec is a leading supplier of man- agement software to the shipping indus- try. In 1999, the company increased net sales by 19 percent to about $23 million, while operating profits increased by 83 percent to $3 million.
SpecTec owns an estimated 40 percent of the market and its systems are installed on some 6-7,000 vessels world-wide.
Circle 224 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News