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Circle 275 on Reader Service Card
Subscriptions: One full year (12 issues) $18.00 in U.S.; outside of U.S. $96.00 including postage and han- dling. For subscription information, contact: Dale Barnett, fax: (212) 254-6271; e-mail: [email protected] 8 Bucking the Trend
With industrial production largely moving to countries with lower labor rates, MAN B&W's Alpha diesel divi- sion remains a shining example of European heavy equipment expertise. — by David Tinsley 14 E-Biz or E-Bust?
Sydney P. Levine ponders the present and future of on- line chartering. 64 Naval Architecture & Marine
Engineering 76 Deck Machinery & Cargo Handling
The U.S. Navy uses an innovative software package to simulate its ship hull and deck equipment, helping to save considerable time and cost in the design phase.
PLUS ... Products & Services Report. 13 27 29 38 82 85 88 89
Fishing Industry Focus
Coatings & Corrosion Control
Legal Beat
NASSCO Wins BP Tanker Deal
Buyer's Guide
Advertiser's Index
On the Cover: Newport News Shipbuilding recently welcomed Carnival Paradise into its mammoth facil- ities for work on the ship's Azipod units. Coverage of this month's main feature — Ship Repair &
Conversion — begins on page 44. 17 An Electronic Revolution
As the world moves toward a paperless society, ques- tions arise, particularly regarding the handling of legal documents. 44 Ship Repair & Conversion
With increasing pressure from all corners of the world, it is becoming more important for ship owners and opera- tors to keep ships and boats in good working order. 52 All in a Day's Work
Meet Becky Stewart, the woman responsible for ensur- ing that ships are repaired at Newport News
Shipbuilding in a correct, efficient and cost effective manner. — by Regina P. Ciardiello
NO. 10 Vol. 62 118 East 25th Street
New York, NY 10010 (212) 477-6700
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