Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2000)
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Costa Crociere Unit Orders Two
New 105,000-Ton Vessels
Costa Crociere S.p.A., a unit of Carni- val Corp., has signed a letter of intent with Italian shipyard Fincantieri
Cantieri Navali S.p.A. for the construc- tion of two 105,000-ton vessels for delivery in late 2003 and late 2004.
The 2,720-passenger ships, which will be built at Fincantieri's Sestri shipyard in Genoa, will cost approximately $400 million for each vessel.
This latest agreement renews the asso- ciation between Costa and Fincantieri, which began with the construction of the
Costa Classica and Costa Romantica in 1992 and 1993, respectively.
Irving Shipbuilding To Construct
Stern Drive Tugs
Irving Shipbuilding has secured an order for two azimuthing stern drive
Tugs for the Panama Canal Authority.
These 101 ft. (30.8 m) reverse tractor tugs are driven by two Z-drive azimuthing thrusters — which are dri- 6
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Able to accommodate four, the tugs will be classed by Lloyds. Similar to line of tugs that East Isle has been building over the last four years, the vessels are sched- uled for completion by the fall of 2001.
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Shipbuilders Complain To EU
About S. Korean Subsidies
European shipbuilders last month complained to the European Union about alleged South Korean state aid to its shipbuilders, an action which could conceivably open the door for the EU to bring a case against South Korea at the
World Trade Organization (WTO). The
Committee of EU Shipbuilders' Associ- ations (CESA) reported that it had filed a complaint with the European Com- mission under the EU's Trade Barriers
Regulation over alleged trade distor- tions in global shipbuilding caused by
South Korean aid to its industry. Specif- ically, the shipbuilders contend that bankrupt shipyards are offering prices which do not even cover their costs, an action which significantly harms the
European shipbuilding community.
The EU has repeatedly accused South
Korea of setting unfairly low prices for shipbuilding. Earlier this year, in fact, the EU and South Korea hammered out an agreement with the intention of stabi- lizing the world shipbuilding market.
When talks on the matter broke down in early autumn, the EU warned it could launch a WTO dispute against South
Korean shipbuilding practices. The EC - after examining the complaint - could launch its own investigation.
Robert Allan Lands Fireboat
Design Contract
The consulting naval architectural firm Robert Allan Ltd. of Vancouver,
B.C. has been chosen by the City of Los
Angeles, Calif, to design a replacement for the City's major fireboat the 75-year- old Ralph J. Scott. Currently celebrat- ing their 70th consecutive year of oper- ations, Robert Allan Ltd. was chosen as the designers for this new vessel because of its recent experience in fire- boat design and fire-fighting tug design, which includes major fireboats for Van- couver, B.C. as well as for Hong Kong and the Ports of Tuen Mun and Shen- zhen in China. The new VSP-propelled fireboat will measure approximately 105 ft. (32 m) with a total pumping capacity approaching 30,000-gpm - reportedly designating it the most capa-
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