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The USMMA Global Maritime and Transportation School
Through its Global Maritime and
Transportation School (GMATS), the United States Merchant Marine
Academy now offers the most exten- sive maritime and transportation pro- fessional education program in the country. In 2000, USMMA GMATS will begin offering joint master's degree programs with other schools.
During the fall of 1999, the Vice
President's National Performance
Review (NPR) awarded the USMMA
Global Maritime and Transportation
School the prized "Hammer Award" for reinventing government. (This is a bittersweet victory for USMMA as it was the NPR that considered clos- ing Kings Point or charging tuition in the early 90's)
To offer leading-edge education and training programs that will bene- fit professionals from the maritime and transportation industry (private-sector, military, and gov- ernment). Through its education and training initiatives, the
USMMA GMATS is dedicated to optimizing America's eco- nomic and strategic intermodal transportation system and its global transportation interests.
The USMMA Global Maritime and Transportation School is currently divided into three divisions: Nautical Science and
Military Affairs, Marine Engineering, and Transportation
Logistics and Management. Together these divisions offer more than 140 professional education and training programs.
In addition, GMATS specializes in developing customized education and training programs that meet the specific needs of any transportation organization. GMATS is a major sup- plier of training for personnel from numerous government, military, and commercial entities.
Nautical Science and Military Affairs • Over 25 courses offered (many U.S. Coast Guard approved programs) which are designed to keep shipboard merchant marine personnel and military reservists current on technology innovations, industry practices, safety, and regula- tions which affect mariners. These programs include the com- prehensive training required by the International Maritime
Organization's (IMO) International Convention on Stan- dards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafar- ers, 1978, as amended in 1995 (STCW 95).
Engineering • Courses offered for seagoing engineers, port engineers, and professionals from the shipbuilding, design, and repair industry. Courses range from steam and diesel engine opera- tions/preventive maintenance/repair to shipboard electronic systems, pump maintenance, engineering management, and practical economics for port engineers.
Transportation Logistics and Management • These programs meet the transportation training needs of corporate America as well as those of government and military organizations. Courses include topics designed for manage- ment trainees, other persons new to the industry, and sea- soned professionals who wish to understand complex mar- itime/intermodal transportation and logistics systems in order to most efficiently manage or expand the transportation activ- ities of their organization.
The GMATS faculty brings a wealth of diversity and talent to the classroom. Instructors include USMMA faculty, acad- emia from other colleges and universities, and guest lecturers from private-sector, military, and government organizations who are subject matter experts in their field. In keeping with the Kings Point tradition, where appropriate, classroom pre- sentation is augmented by extensive use of the Academy's lab- oratories, simulators, and waterfront vessels. Transportation related courses generally include field visits to intermodal facilities in the Port of New York/New Jersey.
The Challenge and Vision For Tomorrow
As the next century dawns, the human factor in developing and operating America's maritime and intermodal transporta- tion system becomes ever more crucial. The Secretary of
Transportation recently noted that our nation's marine trans- portation system (and related intermodal systems) can expect a doubling of volume within twenty years. In the words of
Secretary Slater, "We are at a crossroads in the transportation field. Much the nation's seasoned workforce is retiring.
Meanwhile the demand for both traditional and new skills is expanding. America must develop the human resources need- ed to design, deploy, operate, and maintain an integrated and seamless national transportation system."
It is clear that the role of the U.S. Merchant Marine Acade- my, both within the undergraduate program and within GMATS will become increasingly vital to Ameri- ca's strategic and economic trans- portation interests. To help meet the challenge of training America's transportation professionals, the
USMMA Global Maritime and
Transportation School has devel- oped partnership arrangements with nearly twenty prominent transporta- tion associations and organizations, including, the Intermodal Associa- tion of North American (IANA), the
National Cargo Security Council (NCSC), and the National Industri- al Transportation League (NITL).
GMAI'S has also formed a Board of
Advisors that includes nearly thirty of America's top leaders in the inter- modal transportation industry.
Critical to the success of evolving transportation systems are well- trained and well-motivated employ- ees. Accordingly, the need for retraining and continuing edu- cation for transportation professionals has never been greater.
To stay competitive in the new century and to provide our nation with a vibrant economic and strategic transportation system, our nation's transportation companies must embrace the importance of on going employee professional education.
In the new century, America's worldwide interests depend upon an efficient intermodal transportation system. The
USMMA Global Maritime and Transportation School stands ready to help ensure that America's transportation companies are provided with the best possible training in the world.
Strengths • The United States Merchant Marine Academy is Ameri- ca's "Transportation Academy" and recognized worldwide as a leader in providing education and training to the transporta- tion industry. • With over 140 courses, USMMA offers the most extensive maritime and intermodal transportation professional educa- tion program in the United States. • USMMA is an entity of the U.S. Department of Trans- portation (DOT) and has the potential to access enormous training resources available throughout all DOT organiza- tions. • GMATS utilizes outstanding professors from USMMA and other fine colleges and universities as well as guest lectur- ers who are subject matter experts from the transportation industry. • When appropriate, transportation courses include practi- cal field visits to the extensive intermodal terminals and trans- portation facilities in the Port of New York/New Jersey area.
Combined with classroom lecture, this provides the best pos- sible training available. • GMATS has the ability to develop and offer a customized training program in short order and to ensure that a program meets the specific needs of a company or organization.
Vision "To be a world leader in providing professional education in maritime activities, intermodal transportation, and logistics"
For further information please call USMMA GMATS at (516) 773-5120, refer to our web site: www.usmma.edu/gmats or email us at frangoss@usmma. edu or
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