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Trailblazing Transas leads the way with Technology
In existence little more than a decade, Transas Group's Marine Navigation and Simulation Technology is second to None.
From humble beginnings in the late 1980s, Transas Marine has risen to become a leader in the field of Marine Navigation and Simulation Technology.
The Transas Group, lead by Transas Marine
Limited at its headquarters in Portsmouth Eng- land, comprises several associated international companies, and a worldwide network of distrib- utors managed from seven global hub' offices.
Transas Marine has committed itself to the design, development and distribution of innova- tive, highly reliable, and unique software prod- ucts and turnkey solutions for the marine indus- try.
The range of high-tech Transas products includes integrated marine navigation, vessel traffic management information, and oil spill response management systems, as well as a com- prehensive array of marine simulation solutions.
Transas Marine also has strong OEM relations and strategic alliances with market-leading com- panies for almost all of its products. The major- ity of Transas' close-knit, highly experienced team have nautical certification or extensive qualifications in marine education or software development, and who have been involved in the
Marine Industry throughout their careers. The structure of worldwide representatives allows
Transas to combine global technology with per- sonal support and service.
Transas Simulator Products
Recent years will be remembered as a boom period within the computer industry, which has, as a result, dramatically influenced the develop- ment of marine simulation products. Almost all marine simulator manufacturers are following
Transas' lead by making use of the latest PC technology. Transas recognized some years ago that the use of this PC technology would, with- out sacrifice to simulation performance or its quality, result in huge price reductions tor simu- lators, making them well within reach of all training establishments. Another advantage has proved to be that the most basic of simulators provide a platform upon which much more com- plex systems can be built. Within a few years of implementing this unique approach, Transas has become recognized as a leading supplier of a whole range of marine simulators for an industry that is now statutorily required to engage in sim- ulator training to enhance safety and efficiency.
International Certification and
The Transas Navigational Simulator. NT-
PRO, was the first to be approved by the UK's
Maine Safety Agency (MSA) as fully compliant with the latest STCW'95 Code.
Transas' GMDSS simulators have been approved by many of the major national author- ities and Transas oil spill management software (PISCES project developed in co-operation with
Dynalantic Corp.) was selected by the US Coast
Guard to be used on coastal stations as a core of their National Oil Spill response program. In 1998 Transas was awarded the inaugural Lloyds
List Award for "outstanding and consistent con- tribution to training within the maritime indus- try." Transas Software House and Transas
Marine Ltd. maintain quality in all respects — development, production, installations, service and customer support — and are internationally certified to ISO 9001 and 9002 standards.
Commercial Off-The-Shelf Products
Several years of extensive development and polishing of simulator technology has resulted in the creation of the widest range of highly effi- cient off-the-shelf' simulator products. Influ- enced by market requirements, and strictly fol- lowing IMO requirements. Transas has devel- oped a variety of suitable off-the-shelf solu- tions. This has, in turn, enabled these versatile systems to be competitively and cost effectively priced. Transas provides its customers with com- prehensive information about its simulators, including detailed descriptions, demonstrations, specifications and pricing in order to allow them to decide on the optimum simulator system to meet their needs within their available budget.
Additional features or customizations requiring development can equally be discussed and nego- tiated. When such customer requirements for new features fall in line with Transas' own devel- opment plans, the customer receives them as they are introduced either free of charge or for a minimal upgrade price.
Transas has access to arguably the world's largest team of highly experienced engineers ded- icated to maritime simulation. Several Research & Development departments are involved in simulation development and production and comprise more than 85 software and hardware engineers, specialists in 3D computer graphics, ship-modeling, installation and service. Transas makes full advantage of being one of the major
ECDIS and Electronic Chart manufacturers in the world. The company also integrates engine room, VTMS, radar processors, and environ- ment protection modules into their simulators to ensure all customer applications are facilitated.
A Complete Range of Simulators
Transas is in a position to supply a complete set of simulators to cover most areas of maritime training: Navigation, Communication, Propul- sion Plant, Electric Plant, Cargo Handling, Ves- sel Traffic Management and Oil Spill Response.
For each area Transas offer the full range of simulators to meet the needs of the industry: •• Single computer based training for individ- ual in-house or distance training, equipment familiarization, refresher programs, self- tests/examination programs and knowledge assessment. •• Multi-Purpose training classes for group interactive exercises under instructor supervi- sion, dedicated to specific areas of training and certification. •• Assessment of theoretical knowledge of full mission simulators for final training and certifi- cation where all elements of simulated equip- ment, modules and participants are brought together forming a complete interactive simula- tion environment. Use of such a complete range of simulators enables training centers to maxi- mize their through-put by breaking training process into several stages and also to use appro- priate types of simulator that are the most suit- able for a particular training objective, from the basic to the most complex.
Assessment of theoretical knowledge and pro- fessional skills enables instructors to work out the most suitable course/simulator for each indi- vidual trainee and to bring him/her to a higher level of competence, and ultimately successful certification with minimal investment.
Achieving Reality in Simulation
Transas Marine produces the most accurate and detailed Marine visual scenes at extremely low cost, and in the shortest possible time scale.
Innovative use of the latest open GL graphics techniques, coupled with integration of real ship controls, provides for a truly realistic training environment. Transas provides generic vessel controls to meet 'general' training needs, and if required by the customer, can provide cus- tomized integration with a variety of ship control units, ranging from modern "Z-drive" tugs all the way up through the latest Integrated Bridge
Systems found on modern ocean going vessels.
The quality of mathematical ship models and their associated processes and phenomena, is one of the essential criteria used for the assessment of the simulator's suitability for training purposes.
All the simulators of the Navi-Trainer family use mathematical models with 6 degrees of freedom (motion in the horizontal field view, rolling, pitching, and heaving). All the most important physical effects connected with the ship's inter- action with other objects are simulated and, most certainly, operation of the ship machinery.
Flexibility and Expandability
All Transas simulators are extremely flexible.
Using the same core software, Transas simulators enable the Instructor to select the type or model of simulated equipment and simply by acquiring more licenses the system may be expanded to form a number of simulated modules, bridges/ training stations, etc. This flexibility of multi- purpose training classes is an ideal example of an effective use of training facilities to respond to customer requirements whilst maximizing the time that the simulator is in use.
Courseware and Instructor Training
Working in close co-operation with some of the world's best known Maritime Training Insti- tutions, Transas has designed a number of differ- ent training methods, courseware documenta- tion, and large libraries of ready-made scenarios, exercises, test and examination programs. All such materials, some accumulated from the experience of Transas' customers, are supplied as standard with simulators, allowing the system to generate results and revenue with the minimum of delay.
Transas provides special training courses for: simulator operational training (basic and advanced); •• technical/ maintenance/ trouble-shooting; customized training programs (e.g. for data- base modeling station)
Transas offers instructor courses with flexible duration from a few days to several weeks, which can be carried out either at a customer's premis- es or at one of Transas' network of worldwide offices.
Management, Installation, Training
Transas project managers are readily available to provide individual companies alike with com- plete solutions via the support of a network of worldwide representatives. From simulator design and planning, Transas service teams can ensure cost optimization and the effectiveness of any facilities as well as advice on a clear path for future upgrades. During installation our engi- neers provide extensive training to the simulator technician who will become responsible for tech- nical aspects of the system (computer and net- work adjustments, trouble shooting). By link- ing of the simulator to the Transas network — via the Internet or manually — the customer can receive the latest simulator software information, hardware updates, and availability of newly developed area/ship models libraries.
Each Transas customer you are eligible to take advantage of the company's upgrade scheme, this takes the form of regular information about new products, software versions, hardware options and new database libr^ ies. Transas aggressive pricing of upgrade packages allows the customer to keep their facility at the leading edge of simulation training long beyond initial instal- lation.
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