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Workboat Report is designed to operate in the widest range of sea states; offer the complete elimination of tug/barge hull contact; and eliminate the need for towing lines and related gear. The tug/barge - designed and built to ABS classification standards — can be engaged and disen- gaged without crew on deck.
Circle 52 on Reader Service Card
Crewboats Inc. Expands Fleet
In a sure sign that an offshore rebound is close at hand, Crewboats Inc. is increasing its fleet of fast aluminum off- shore crew/supply vessels with four new- boats capable of 28 knot speed carrying up to 72 passengers and 235 long tons of supplies. All four 152 ft. (46 m) vessels — two of which are already in service — will be plying the waters of the Gulf by May 2001.
Designed and built by Breaux's Bay
Craft, each vessel is powered by four
Caterpillar 3512 marine engines, each rated 1,400 bhp at 1,800 rpm and sup- plying a cumulative power of 5,600 bhp (4,176 bkW). The 3512s drive Hy Torq
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TX 01/00 025 Website: http:llwww.eagle.org 48 in. x 53 in. (1.22 x 1.35 m) propellers through Twin Disc 2.5:1 gears. "These are some of the fastest vessels in the Gulf," said Shane Pescay, Crew- boats' vice-president. "More power allows us to carry these heavier loads with good speed, but for us, the main issues are longevity and reliability of the engine packages."
Louisiana Power Systems of Belle
Chase, La., provided all engines for the vessels, which also include three Cat 3306B engines per vessel, one to power a Thrustmaster bowthruster.
Circle 59 on Reader Service Card
Klyne Tugs Orders AHTS
From China
Klyne Tugs (Lowestoft) Ltd. signed a contract with Yantai Raffles Shipyard in
China to build a powerful anchor han- dling tug/supply vessel (AHTS). The 221 x 51 x 20.3 ft, (67.4 x 15.5 x 6.2 m) vessel will be built to a Rolls Royce
Ulstein UT 719-2 design, Lloyds Class + 100+LMC, UMS, FiFi 1, and is expected to achieve a bollard pull of 180 tons and a free running speed of 17 knots.
The ship will incorporate features and equipment identified from many years of operational experience in offshore work, salvage and environmental pro- tection. On confirming the order Chair- man of the Klyne Group, Roger Klyne, said: "We are delighted to move forward with this new construction. We have learned a great deal from our experience with Anglian Monarch, which entered service in early 1999, and we remained convinced that new tugs are necessary to enable the company to move forward.
By doing so we can improve the service to our clients and maintain the level of versatility and reliability the salvage and offshore industries have come toex- pect."
Managing Director Carl Beare added "We owe our thanks to Peter Worden of
Offshore Shipbrokers Limited from whom we have received considerable support and advice during the protracted discussions leading up to the signing of this contract."
The Yantai Raffles Shipyard is located on Zhifu Island, Yantai, in the Shandong
Province of China. Yantai Raffles is part of the Brian Chang Group of Compa- nies, and within the space of one year
From the CE Mark to USCG Regulations...
ABS Type Approval is your Pathway to the Global Marketplace 52 Circle 337 on Reader Service Card 56 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News