Page 38: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 2000)
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Vessel Name:
MS Tamesis
Wallenius Wilhelmsen
Daewoo Okpo Shipyard
MS Tamesis, the first of a new generation of RoRo vessels boasting innovative designs has joined the
Wallenius Wilhelmsen fleet. Joining three sister- ships to be delivered throughout the next 10 months, Tamesis was commissioned in 1998 by
Wilh. Wilhelmsen of Norway — one of two equal shareholders in Wallenius Wihelmsen. Delivered on
April 13 by Daewoo Okpo Shipyard, the Mark IV
RoRo provides 35 percent more covered capacity for specialized RoRo cargo than the previous Mark
III design. Suitable for carrying a total capacity of 5,400 cars, the vessel is specifically designed for project and other unique or heavy lift cargo such as power generators, construction and agriculture equipment. Measuring 787 x 106 ft. (240 x 32.2 m), the vessel, whose name in Latin means River
Thames, has a deadweight of 38,300 tons.
Circle 37 on Reader Service Card
Main Particulars - MS Tamesis
Length, (o.a.) 787 ft. (240 m)
Breadth, (molded) . 106 ft. (32.2 m)
DWT 38,300 tons
Stern ramp width .. 39 ft. (12 m)
Stern ramp capacity 320 tons unit load
Number of decks .. 8
Deck area capacity . 45,889 sq. m
Volume capacity ... 125,620 cu. m
Car unit capacity .. 5,400
Engine B&W 8L 70MC (MK5)
Service speed 20 knots
Crew 28
Vessel Name: LT Usodimare
Type: Container Vessel
Owner: Lloyd Triestino
Shipbuilder: Mitsubishi Heavy Ind.
LT Usodimare, the first post-Panamax container vessel ordered by Lloyd Tri- estino from Mit- subishi Heavy Indus- tries' Kobe shipyard, was launched on
September 1.
The new vessel is 935 x 131 ft. (285 x 40 m) with a draft of 42 ft. (12.7 m). With a capacity of 5,364-teu, and a service speed of 25 knots, the Italian- flagged vessel has been classified by RINA. LT
Usodimare is named after Antoniotto Usodimare, the 15th century Italian seafarer said to have dis- covered the Cape Verde Islands. LT Usodimare will be delivered on November 24 and will be deployed on the service connecting China to the Mediter- ranean and Northern Europe (CEM). The service is being retonnaged with several 25-knot post-Pana- max vessels.Circle 38 on Reader Service Card
Maria A. Angelicoussis
Kristen Navigation Inc./Chevron
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co.
Terra Nova FPSO
Terra Nova Alliance/Petro Canada
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. T erra Nova FPSO was completed by Daewoo Shipbuilding &
Marine Engineering Co., and delivered to the Bull Arm Fabrication
Site for the work to install the topsides production module. The vessel is designed to work on the Terra Nova
Field. The Canadian-flagged vessel is registered by LR. The ship shape is designed to provide optimum seakeep- ing performance with internal turret mooring system with the assistance of thrusters. The analysis for the assess- ment of seakeeping performance such as vessel motion and mooring has been performed in consultation with the owner, was verified through model tests. Designed to withstand the harsh environments with extreme 100-year wave height in excess of 98 ft. (30 m), the vessel has also been strengthened for an ice impact of 100,000 tons.
Terra Nova FPSO has a forward deck- house accommodating up to 80 peo- ple, aft offloading systems with a max- imum offloading rate of 8,000 cu. m./hr. and topside process plant on the deck with a maximum production rate of 20,000 cu. m./day. Two sets of gas turbine generators — 46 MW each using dual fuel for main electrical power — are situated on the process deck, and two sets of key service diesel generators (6.5 MW each) are installed in the forward machinery space. The system is designed to hold the vessel on station and to propel the ship in transit condition with the elec- trical power. The system is comprised of 5 azimuth thrusters, 5 MW each, electric motors and drive systems.
Circle 43 on Reader Service Card
Vessel Name Conti Fremental
Type Containership
Owner Conti Reederei, Putzbrunn, Germany
Shipbuilder Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co. Ltd.
Main Particulars -
Maria A. Angelicoussis
Classification ABS
Length, (o.a.) 1,092 ft. (332 m)
Length, (b.p.) 1,049 ft. (320 m)
Breadth, molded 190 ft. (58 m)
Width of double skin:
Side 11.5ft. (3.52 m)
Bottom 9.8 ft. (3 m)
GT 156,408
Lightweight 42,765.41
DWT, scantling 306,283 ton
Draft, design (20.8 m)
Speed, service @ 85% MCR .. .16.8k
Cargo capacity 346,351 cu. m.
Heavy oil 9,123 cu. m.
Diesel Oil 374 cu. m.
Fuel Consumption 105 tons/day % High Tensile Steel 30.5
Main Engine ... .B&W 6S 90 MC-C
Diesel Driven Alternators .. .Wartsila
Hose Handling Crane ... .MacGregor
Cargo Pumps Shinko
Cargo Pump Capacity 5,500 cu. m./hr.
Cargo Control System Nakakita
Bridge Control Systems . .Norcontrol
Fire Detection .Consilium Marine AB
Radars JRC
SatNav JR
Computers on-board .. .Kockumation
Main Particulars - Terra Nova FPSO
Classification LR
Length, (o.a.) .. .958 ft. (292 m)
Length, (b.p.) .. .909 ft. (277 m)
Breadth, molded ...149 ft. (45.5 m)
Displacement 212,235 t
Lightweight 58,300 1
DWT, design 154,000 t
DWT, scantling 154,000 1
Draft, design 66 ft. (20 m)
Speed 10 k (with thruster propulsion)
Fuel Consumption . .185 g/kwh + 5% % High Tensile Steel 47
Propellers Kamewa
Diesel Driven Alternators Wartsila
Boilers Aalborg
Hatch Covers (for thrusters) McGregor
Delivered June 30, 2000, the 5,600-TEU containership Conti Fremantal built by Hanjin Heavy Industries for Conti Reederei, and chartered by Hanjin Shipping, is designed for worldwide service. The vessel is powered by a
Wartsila 10RTA 96C, a unit which helps to power the vessel to a service speed of 26.3 knots (making it one of the fastest vessels in its class) at 90 percent MCR with 15 pecent sea margin on design draft of 12 m. Container capacity is 5,608 TEU (on deck : 3,034 TEU, in hold : 2,574 TEU) and lashing bridge facility and 500 reefer sockets (on deck : 300 FEU, in hold : 200 FEU) are provided.
Circle 41 on Reader Service Card
Conti Fremental Main Particulars
Length, o.a 915 ft. (279 m)
Length b.p 869 ft.(265 m)
Beam 132 ft. (40.3 m)
Scantling Draft . 46 ft. (14 m)
Main engine ... ... .Wartsila 10RTA 96C
MCR . .74,700 PS @ 100 rpm
NCR . .67,230 PS @ 96.5 rpm
Speed 26.3 knots
Fuel oil consumption 126gr/BHP/hr.
Flag Panama
Classification ... ... .Germanischer Lloyd
Deadweight ... 67,9001
GRT 66,500
TEU 5,608
Maria A. Angelicoussis is a double hull crude oil tanker, delivered by Daewoo Shipbuild-ing & Marine Engineering Co. to Kristen
Navigation Inc. The vessel was designed to ABS standards, and is classed A 1(E), "Oil Carrier, ESP", +AMS, ACCU, SH, SPM, RES, UWILD. The ship is intended for the trade of oil having a flash point below 60 degrees Celsius in its cargo tanks. Built with a double side and bottom, the vessel features five center/side tanks and two slop -t—^Lj. * -•• tanks. Cargo handling, of paramount concern in a vessel this size, consists of three cargo - pumps with a capacity of 5,500 cu. m./hr., - »• . * • - each driven by steam turbine and three cargo ./.'f.* ' ' *"•'•" manifolds on deck for three segregation of cargo loading and discharging. The hull has been designed to ABS Safe Hull require- ments, and features enhanced scantling for a safer, stronger and more durable structural integrity. Powered by a B&W 6S 90MC-C with an MCR output of 40,000 PS at 76 rpm, the ship's 33-ft. (9.9-m) FP propeller helps to drive the vessel to a service speed of 16.8 knots.
The wheelhouse is arranged for the One Man Bridge concept. The Integrated Navigation
System includes an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). and a
CCTV system is installed with provisions of a camera at radar mast platform and a monitor in the wheelhouse in aid of safer operation with better forward visibility.
December, 2000 35