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M^MIIffciMi more exact and reliable information for construction; and ease of use.

New System kernel

Perhaps the most significant innova- tion in FORAN version 50 is the intro- duction of a new kernel for 3-D model- ing and visualization. Completely devel- oped using the latest object oriented technology; this new kernel is made up of a series of libraries of C++ classes, which cover all the principal basic func- tions of the System. By extension this technology provides the System with a greater robustness and stability. The new kernel integrates solid and surface mod- eling, and at the same time incorporates specific primitives for modeling of the structure (e.g. curved profiles with holes and end cuts) and parametric primitives for the definition of equipment, pipes, ducts and trays.

High efficiency visualization is based on the OpenGL standard and high per- formance 3-D graphics cards. The new visualization possibilities greatly facili- tate the comprehension of the model in 3-D space and include: direct working with the solid model in shaded view, dynamic movement of the model to be able to analyze it from any view point and a complete control of light focus.

There are also interesting options for navigation through the model in real time.

The new kernel also includes a new graphic user interface (GUI) that is native to Microsoft Windows; that is to say that it is based on the intrinsic resources of the operating system and needs no emulation.

The rapid evolution of personal com- puters and the consolidation of Windows technology have given rise to the desir- ability of their use for sophisticated

CAD/CAM systems. Many applications, which until recently could only be processed on cumbersome and expen- sive work stations using the UNIX oper- ating System, can now be executed very advantageously on personal computers running under Windows (NT or 2000).

The new version 50 of FORAN has been designed specifically with this operating system in mind.

FORAN version 50 not only provides a very much improved user interface, but also at the same time enhances this facil- ity with a very powerful command sys- tem. This system includes advanced macro programming, undo/redo facili- ties, command chaining, short cut keys, configurable menus and icons, contextu- al menus and new dialogue windows.

New functions for basic design

To reduce the design and production cycles, it is critical from the very begin- ning of a project to generate reliable information, information which can be reused when the detail engineering is carried out.

FORAN version 50 incorporates a series of functions for the preliminary 3-

D definition of the ship model so that from the earliest stages of the project certain budgetary estimates can be car- ried out. Thus for example calculation of work content, weights, areas and other variables can be made, and this helps in the earliest possible definition of the product both from the technical and commercial viewpoint.

Circle 68 on Reader Service Card

Success For Transas In Spain

Transas Spain has completed the domestic delivery and installation of three PC-based GMDSS simulators.

The new facilities will be used to train radio personnel at three Galician Nau- tical Fishery Schools comprising Insti- tuto Politecnico Maritimo-Pesqueiro do Atlantico in Vigo, Escola Oficial

Nautico-Pesqueira in Ribeira, and

Escola Oficial Nautico-Pesqueira in

Ferrol. Transas has supplied its latest generation TGS 4000 ver.2.0, which permits switching between simulated

Sailor Compact 2000 and Sailor Pro- gram 4000 equipment. Each of the three systems is capable of providing interactive training for up to 10

Trainees simultaneously under the supervision of an Instructor. These units are the largest GMDSS simula- tors ever installed by Transas in Spain.

Other types of simulators installed by

Transas in the three Galician schools are the shiphandling Navi-Trainer Pro- fessional simulator and Engine Room

Simulator, ERS 2000.

Circle 301 on Reader Service Card

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Maritime Reporter

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