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ucts, particularly in the workboat mar- ket. One of the company's initial suc- cesses was with an order for gears from

Trasmediterranea of Spain. To stay competitive, the company initiated a large fleet renewal program, ordering a pair of fast (23 knot), large (564 ft. (172 m)), as well as a 508 ft. (155 m), 22-knot

RoPax. The ferries are outfitted with

Reintjes DLGF 8890 series twin gears, and the RoPax is outfitted with two

Reintjes twin gear of the DLGF 7790 series.

The fast craft niche, in fact, has been a lucrative one for the company, as the

Reintjes VLJ 6831 is featured on the fast cat ferry Millennium built by Incat for

Trasmediterranea. This year the compa- ny will also deliver gears from its VLJ series — a series with outputs up to 11,000 kW — in orders totaling more than $5 million.

Circle 39 on Reader Service Card

The first pair of Kamewa 200 SII water jets, and two smaller units, is being installed on a 459 ft. (140-m) monohull fast ferry under construction at Alstom Leroux Naval's yard in Lori- ent, France for Greek owner NEL Lines.

The vessel is scheduled to enter service this summer.

Known as the world's largest steerable water jet, the SII, which as an inlet diameter of 200 cm, has been delivered from Rolls-Royce in Kristinehamn.

Sweden. This Kamewa 200 SII water jet unit has an inlet diameter of 200 cm.

The Corsaire 14000 design steel- hulled ferry will use four water jets pow- ered by gas turbines and diesel engines with a total power of 66,200 kW to pro- vide a speed of over 40 knots, carrying 1,800 passengers and a combination of 450 cars. It also houses two Kamewa

Ulstein tunnel thrusters supplied by


Circle 47 on Reader Service Card

Large Passenger Vessels Benefit

From Norsafe's Rescube

With a significant trend leaning toward larger-sized newbuildings, with some vessels able to carry up to 5,000 passen- gers, a new challenge is presented to both passengers and crew regarding a

May, 2001 quick and easy escape during emergency situations.

Current systems require all persons onboard to assemble as the same deck level for evacuation for lifeboats, marine evacuation systems (MES) or inflatable life rafts. In essence, there is a potential problem in the pressure created by such large numbers of people moving togeth- er to one level.

Known as a new concept specifically tailored to provide advantages of free fall systems in a solution suited to pas- senger vessel installations, Rescube is free-fall escape system that enables dry evacuation of passengers and crew. Con- sisting of three capsules each with two boarding levels, stowed vertically on each side, Rescube allows evacuation from each of six deck levels. Fully boarded, Rescube swings out to launch position and is ready for free fall evacu- ation into the sea. The system fulfills another function in that the three cap- sules provide a safe haven for passen- gers in the stowed position.

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Maritime Reporter

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