Page 35: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 2001)
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Titan Innovation Replaces
Sheerleg Crane "AN TAI" coming onto the barge.
Titan Maritime LLC, a Florida based marine salvage company, has completed removal of the An Tai stern section.
The stern of the wreck of the 9,081 gt,
General cargo vessel An Tai comprised of cargo holds three, four, five and the engine room, has been successfully raised and is on the deck of the barge
Britoil 43. The An Tai broke into two and had been lying on the seabed since
November 24, 1997. The cargo, which had to be removed prior to raising, was approximately 8,500 tons of bagged fer- tilizers, sodium sulfate, magnesium sul- fate, soda ash and caustic soda.
The plan to chain cut the wreck and remove it in several pieces was aban- doned when the construction of Titan's new sheerleg cranes (currently being built in Port Klang) was delayed. As a result, an alternative plan was devised, which involved Titan submerging the stern of the barge Britoil 43 into the mud at the stern of the An Tai. The stern sec- tion of the An Tai was then pulled aboard the Britoil by way of Titan
Operations to remove the much small- er and lighter bow section comprised of holds one and two, which remains on the seabed, will begin soon.
Circle 32 on Reader Service Card
A Titan salvor wonders why the barge didn't pull with 600 tons.
NavCad V4.0 Released
HydroComp, Inc. of Durham, N.H. released NavCad v4.0. — a software tool for the prediction and analysis ol" vessel speed and power performance. In terms of looks-and-feel, it is a comfort- able transition, the interface is virtually identical to version 3. Regarding the functionality of the program, it is a major upgrade. Through version 3, Nav-
Cad was a 16-bit Windows application, supporting all versions of Windows back to 3.x. version 4 is for 32-bit Windows only and will leverage modules devel- oped for PropCad and PropExpert. The initial release of version 4 will match the features of the last build of version 3.
From this point on, however, version 4 will be enhanced with many new fea- tures. HydroComp is particularly excit- ed about the end-user programming fea- tures under development for version 4.
Users will be able to program and run
NavCad from other calculation process- es or to allow completely custom sets of calculations.
Circle 44 on Reader Service Card
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Circle 234 on Reader Service Card 35
Pulling AN TAI onto the barge