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Automatic Identification
Systems (AIS)
The Coast Guard is authorized to require installation and operation of automatic identification systems (AIS) on self- propelled commercial vessels measuring 65 ft. (19.8 m) and longer, vessels carrying more than a specified number of pas- sengers for hire, towing vessels of more than 26 ft. (7.9 m) and 600 hp, and any other vessel determined appropriate.
Implementation dates are as follows: • On and after January 1, 2003, for any vessel built after that date; • On and after July 1, 2003, for any vessel built before 2003 that is a SOLAS passenger vessel, a tanker, or a towing vessel engaged in moving a tank vessel; and • On and after December 31, 2004 for all other vessels.
The IMO requirement regarding AIS has not been finalized, but may well provide that the equipment is to be installed not later than the first ship's safety equipment survey after July 1, 2004 or December 31, 2004 — whichever occurs first. It is highly unlikely that the U.S. and international implementation dates for AIS will coincide.
Container Performance Standards
The Secretary, in consultation with the Transportation Secu- rity Oversight Board, is directed to establish a program to evaluate and certify secure systems of international inter- modal transportation.
The program would include establishing standards and pro- cedures for screening and evaluating cargo prior to loading in a foreign port for shipment to the United States either direct- ly or via a foreign port; establish standards and procedures for securing cargo and monitoring security while in transit; develop performance standards to enhance the physical secu- rity of shipping containers, including locks and seals; estab- lish standards and procedures for allowing the U.S. Govern- ment to ensure and validate compliance with the program; and any other measures the Secretary considers necessary.
The Secretary has also been tasked to develop an antiterror- ism cargo identification, tracking, and screening system for containerized cargo shipped to and from the United States.
See the discussion above regarding the cost of upgrading shipping containers, in the 'Grants' section. The industry may well see itself pushed toward having two types of containers — those accepted in the United States and those accepted in the rest of the world. Initially at least, one should expect a shortage of U.S.-certified containers, particularly in smaller ports.
Civil Penalties
Civil penalties of up to $25,000 could be imposed for viola- tion of the maritime security statutes or regulations.
Expedited Rulemaking
The Secretary would be authorized to promulgate interim final regulations implementing the maritime security statutes without having to comply with the usual provisions of the
Administrative Procedures Act, such as advance notice and comment. Final regulations, though, would have to meet the usual requirements.
What this means is that implementation will be greatly expedited, with minimal input from the regulated community.
The result will be that any initial mistakes will not be caught 16 Circle 219 on Reader Service Card or visit www.maritimereporterinfo.com Maritime Reporter & Engineering News