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GLOBIC for the bottom line


GLOBIC technology ensures the OPTIMUM RELEASE OF

POWERFUL ANTIFOULING AGENT in all operating conditions. The use of microfibres in GLOBIC antifouling products results in maximum strength and IMPACT

RESISTANCE. The innovative combination of microfibres and the special binder provides a perfect balance between mechanical properties and polishing perform- ance.


GLOBIC antifouling products are fully compliant with the latest environmental standards, including new regulations that ban TBT-based products from 1. January 2003.

GLOBIC products feature a VOC content of less than 400g/litre, along with very high volume solids. This significantly REDUCES SOLVENT EMISSIONS into the environment.


The high volume solids in GLOBIC products means less paint consumption. GLOBIC paint can be applied in a relatively high dry film thickness, thus minimising the number of coats needed. The excellent polishing properties result in 1-3% LOWER FUEL CONSUMPTION, which is an added bonus.

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August, 2003 21

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.