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THE MARINE MART and Employment Section
Used Equipment
Tele : 201/261-1208
Clearing Out All Of Our Surplus Equipment at Less Than Cost (1) GM Model 671 D/G Set 100 KW 440V 1200 RPM, complete with heat exchangers and pumps. $2.500. (6) Nordberg Engines Model FS-136-SC 600 KW. $2.500/ea. (3) F.M. Model 38F5 1/4 300 KW 428 HP 1200 RPM OP Engine 440V 60 HZ skid mounted S/N 968940. $3.900/ea. (1) F.M. Model 38D5 1/4 500 KW 1200 RPM 10-Cyl, driving 500 KW 440V 3/60 G .E. 1200 RPM Gen., complete with UG8 governor, oil coolers and heat exchangers, $5.500. (1) Alco 251E 16-Cyl Engine (less turbocharger and heat exchanger). $5,000. (2) Worthington 2000 KW Turbogenerators. $4.900/ea. (2) Byron Jackson 6x12 7-stage Type HDB high pressure Feed Pumps, CW rot., 1255 gpm at 1456 psi 3500 rpm 599, 262#/Hr., Mfd 1986. $ 8.000/ea. (12) I.R. Feed Pumps Type DM4, 600 GPM @ 6750 RPM 1200 psi (less turbine), $7.500/ea. (1) IMO Pump Model LH8LMGT-462, 593 GPM at 400psi. $7.000. (1) Shinko Cargo Pump Model KHD-450-2,18X24, 3500 M3/Hr. 1200 RPM, 145m head, S/N 238863. $5.900 (2) Mitsubishi Cargo Pumps (CI), 1250 Cm/Hr., 1780 RPM Size 4, S/N 5748 & 5745. $4.900/ea. (1) Buffalo Forced Draft Fan Model 980L-21, CCW, 128 HP 1720 RPM 24SP 420F 14 psi, W/G .E. 150 HP 1750 RPM 460V Frame 445TS Motor Model JK445BK2098, complete with accessory parts. $9,000. (1) Turbodyne Forced Draft Fan. $5.900. (1) Beloit Generator End 800 KW 1000 KVA Type TBGZJ/6410 1800 RPM 277/480V
S/N 504617-R7 to fit GM 16-149 D/G Set. $1.000. (1) G .M. Type D12H Motor 1225 HP 750V 1293 Amp 800/640 RPM, S/N 54-J-2, shunt fluid amp 26.2, amb temp 50°C. $12.500. (1) 5" Andale Strainer all bronze, new. $5,000. (2) New 30" Butterfly Valves, bronze, w/actuators. $5.000/ea. (2) New 20" Butterfly Valves, steel w/bronze disc. $3.500/ea. (2) New 24" Gate Valves, cast iron, 125#. $1.800/ea. (1) Baldt Snug Stowing Anchor 45,0001bs., New. $20.000. (1) New England Trawler Single Drum Winch, 11,000# @ 60FPM, New. $1.800. r For Sale
Used Marine Eq. • Indar Main Generators 2500KVA, 1200 RPM, 60HZ 450V, 3210 A • Bronswerk Boiler
Gordon Piatt Burner
F20.9-0-400/993009 • Electric Motor GE, DC 700HP,850/1200RPM 500V, 1110A, Type CD 7452 • Westfalia Centrifuge •type OSA7-02-066 8510 RPM, 271 MM • Nilhus Pompen Pumps
Type HMFI, 30.30 1160RPM, 36KW, S/N 45215 Capacity 750 Cu
Mf per hr.
Differential Head 14.2 • GE Induction Electric
Motor 800HP, 440V, 982 A 1158 RPM, 3 Phase, 60HZ
Frame 8309Z • GE DC, Generator 640KW, 1175RPM,500V 1280 A • Generator, 440V, 280A 1800 RPM, 60HZ
Call Sam for Price at ^ 504-942-0392 j
November 2003 109