Page 16: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2003)
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News responsible ship dismantling, and the provision of support for improved safe- ty and health in shipbreaking by: • Applying relevant ILO internation- al instruments and codes of practice • Enhancing social dialogue in OSH • Strengthening national legislation and enforcing OSH standards; and • Assisting governments, employers and workers through the execution of comprehensive technical cooperation projects aimed at national and enterprise levels
Effective shipbreaking largely depends on how the vessel is prepared for dismantling. Although the maritime industry is very well regulated, the end of a vessel's life and its dismantling are not comprehensively covered.
U.K. EA Authorizes
Dismantling of U.S. Ships
The UK Environment Agency (EA)
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Circle 209 on Reader Service Card 16 issued a modification to the waste man- agement license of Able UK such that the company may engage in the disman- tling of U.S. ships at its Teesside
Reclamation and Recycling Centre.
Able U.K. submitted an application to the U.K. Environment Agency on July 31, 2003 to modify the existing license for its Teesside Reclamation and
Recycling Center (TERRC) site, to per- mit an increase in its handling capacity from 24,500 to more than 75,000 tons per year. In issuing the license the
Agency has restricted the annual amount handled to 200,000 tons. The Agency granted the modification after it had undertaken a thorough assessment reviewing all the potential environmen- tal risks to the Tees Estuary and the sur- rounding sensitive habitat sites. This assessment involved looking at the potential impact, of not only the waste management license modification, but also all other relevant plans and projects, such as creating a temporary bund and installing new dock gates so that the dry dock can be used for dismantling ves- sels/ships.
Signet Martime Inks
Garrett Contract
Signet Maritime Corp. and Garrett
Marine, Inc. executed agreements
August 29. 2003, for charter and pur- chase of Garrett's Aransas tug business, finalizing plans that originated in 2002 to expand Signet's presence in the
Aransas Pass/Ingleside region. Every
Signet seagoing person will undergo firefighting training at Texas A&M
University as well as ISM and ISO Code testing and certification to further cement Signet's position of strength.
Bill Thwing, Signet Aransas Regional
Manager, said "We are purchasing an additional two tugs to ensure uninter- rupted service to our customers."
Signet is a privately held global marine transportation and vessel man- agement company providing worldwide transport of bulk, energy and heavy-lift project cargo shipments and marine towing For a quarter century. Signet has specialized in marine transportation, ship management and vessel design.
Contracts with GATX, Texaco, Gulf Oil,
Chevron, Mobil and Military Sealift
Command included the design and oper- ation of integrated tug-barge vessels with parabolic bows and deep-notched sterns propelled by heavy fuel ocean- going tugs. These vessels moved refined petroleum products on ocean routes in the Gulf of Mexico, Central and South
America, and the Atlantic Coast of the
United States from Portland. Maine to
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