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Workboat Annual 2003 • Great Boats of 2003

Name Normand Master


Yard Ulstein

Owner Solstad

Normand Master, a massive 23.500-hp anchor handling tug supply vessels (AHTS). was delivered March 28. 2003.

Normand Master, hull no. 265. was designed by Ulstein Design AS (type

A101) and was built by Ulstein Verft AS for Solstad Shipping ASA. While the vessel is nearly identical to the trio of ships that preceded it. it does boast one major design modification: a massive A- frame. 250-ton deck crane bolted on the aft deck.

Arguably, the heart and soul of vessels of this genre are in the amazing pack- ages of deck machinery, and here again

Normand Master stands tall. The

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Circle 260 on Reader Service Card 30 impressive list of deck machinery, designed to enable it to carry out a mul- titude of functions, from anchor han- dling in deep water to supply services to subsea operations, includes: a 500-ton winch; two combined

Windlass/Mooring Winches; a 15-ton pull mooring winch; two 22-ton pull tugger winches; two 15-ton pull

Capstans, aft: two towing/working drums with spooling gears, with a capacity of 2,700 m of 83 mm diameter wire: one anchor handling drum with spooling gear, with a capacity of 2.000 m or 109 mm diameter wire in five lay- ers: two secondary winches with spool- ing device, and a 170-ton pull capacity;

One storage winch for spar tow wire; twin stern rollers; two retractable anchor handling forks; and two sets of retractable towing pins.

Power for all operations is entrusted to

Finland's Wartsilii. which supplied four main engines, each rated 4,320 kW at 750 rpm. The series from Ulstein is a victory for its Ulstein Design, which was started in 1999 as a department of

Ulstein Verft in the series of dealings that saw Viekers PLC and eventually

Rolls-Royce end up with the popular "UT" line of vessels in its stable. Ulstein

Design became a separate company in 2002, and to date the company has seven vessels from its design stable delivered.

Main Particulars - Normand Master

Builder Ulstein Verft

Owner Solstad Shipping

Design Ulstein Design

Design type A10I

Length, o.a 269 ft. (82.1 m)

Length, b.p 238 ft. (72.7 in)

Breadth, molded 66 ft. (20 m)

Depth to main deck 31 ft. (9.5 m)

Draft, max 25 ft. (7.5 m)

Design draft 3 ft. (7 m)

Classification DNV

Speed 19 knots

Accommodation 61

Main engines Wartsilii

Power 4.320 (each) @ 750 rpm

Gears two

Propellers (2) CP

Winch 500 ton

Bollard pull 280 tons

Oil recovery 1.035 cu. m. fuel oil (MIX)) 1.213 cu. m.

Fresh water 751 cu. m.

Ballast water 3.352 cu. m.

Brine 401 cu. m.

Cargo (rigI chain lockers (4) 567 cu. m.

Cargo deck area 600 sq. m.

Cargo deek area dimensioning 10 T/sq. m.

Deck cargo 1.550 ton

Deadweight at max draft 3.627 ton

GT .. . 4.477

Net tonnage 1.343

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