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Everett is ABS Certified for Propeller Shaft Repair
Following two years of intensive effort in both building the specially modified
Oerlikon gun lathe shown here, and con- ducting the regulatory procedures required under the supervision of the
American Bureau of Shipping, Everett
Engineering, Inc., is fully certified to conduct both carbon steel and stainless propeller shall weld repair. The control system for its automated wirefeed weld- ing array was designed and built in-shop by its team of control technicians for repairing scoured, gouged and cracked shafts. Everett Engineering's capabilities for straightening bent shafts is unique to the facility.
The main propulsion shaft being machined here is from the U.S. Navy submarine "Ethan Allen" (SSBN-608).
It is 16 in. diameter by 36 ft. long.
Maximum capacity of Everett
Engineering's shaft repair lathe is 16 in. diameter by 45 ft. long.
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Austal HSV Registered,
Flagged in U.S.
Having completed two years of service supporting the operations of the U.S.
Marine Corps' Third Marine
Expeditionary Force (III MEF) in the
Western Pacific theatre, the 101 meter
Austal catamaran "WestPac Express" has become the first large high speed vessel to be registered and flagged as a commercial ship in the U.S. "The USCG had never previously surveyed a light- weight. high-speed vehicle-carrying vessel before and to its credit was extremely thorough in its approach. For example, every one of the ship's draw- ings were scrutinized in detail and on numerous occasions it was necessary for
Austal to justify certain aspects to the
USCG even though the ship is classed by one of the world's leading classifica- tion societies and built to the IMO's
HSC Code," Jim Black, Austal Service
Manager, said. The new port of registry for "WestPac Express" is Mobile, Ala., where Austal has a modern shipyard that specializes in the construction of high performance aluminum vessels.
Port of Tacoma Awards
Largest Contract
The Port of Tacoma has awarded the largest single capital improvement con- tract in its history.
ICON Materials of Kent. Wash., the low bidder, will manage construction of a new container terminal for Evergreen
America Inc. The contract awards
ICON $46.2 million to build the termi- nal and a dedicated intermodal yard.
November 2003
ABS Provides Dockendale
Security Certification
ABS has secured a contract with
Dockendale Shipping Company to certi- fy 33 of its vessels to the requirements of the ISPS. Dockendale has also requested that it be audited to the addi- tional ABS security criteria for the award of the relevant class notation.
Premuda Achieves ISO
And ABS Certification
Premuda, founded in 1907, and the first Italian shipping company to be pub- licly listed on the stock exchange, has achieved certification to the quality and environmental standards of ISO 9001- 2000 and ISO 14001-1996. The Genoa based operator of tankers, bulk carriers and an offshore production unit has also achieved certification to the voluntary
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