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Coatings & Corrosion Control • Marine Paint Buyer's Guide
Insulmastic Marine Division 861 Derwent Way
Delta, BC V3M 5R4 Canada
Tel 604 876 0777
Fax 604 876 4749
E-mail [email protected]
Web www.cansealant.com
PetroWrap Anti Corrosion Tapes for stopping rust on hydraulic pipes and fittings on deck. SteamKote
HT Coating for corrosion protection on high temper- ature steam lines on deck.
International Marine Coatings
Stoneygate Lane. Felling.
Gateshead, Tyne and Wear NE10 OJY U.K.
Tel +44 191 4012417
Fax +44 191 4012561
E-mail [email protected]
Web www.international-marine.com
Intersleek 700 is a revolutionary, foul release coat- ings technology which controls marine fouling with- out the use of biocides. Especially designed for
Why Paint & Insulate?
Now available is Delta T Marine Generation II, which includes technology of improved thermal characteristics, and new dispersion cross-linking technology at a lower cost!
Delta T is a one-part coating system that provides * 20-60 mil layer achieves an equivalency of
R9-R14 *
See a 30% - 50% reduction in total applied costs *
MARINE the combination of both excellent thermal & anti-condensation protection in one easy, cost-effective spray method. Used on over 250 vessels of all sizes in waters worldwide.
Classified by the following agencies:
United States Coast Guard,
Underwriter's Lab
Lloyds' Registered, ABS
DNV Approval, UL listed
All classifications are to IMO/SOLAS guidelines
Call us today toll-free:
Mascoat Products 1.800.549.0043 www.mascoat.com
Circle 295 on Reader Service Card
Quality Products For The
Worldwide Marine Industry
Marine Heads Oilv/ Wntor lonnrnfArc
Skilled Trades Staffing
Through our streamlined process, we identify, screen and mobilize skilled employees to meet your job requirements.
Discover how On-Demand Labor Support can give your Company a competitive edge.
See us at the International Workboat Show - Booth # 175
MK Industries Inc.. 1610 Reynolds St.. Brunswick, GA 31520. PH: 912-554-1806. FAX: 912-554-0574 • www.mkpro.com
Microfiush Marine Heads in stainless steel or vitreous china use only 1 or 2 quarts of water per flush. Options include rear or downward discharge, internal or remote flush activators.
Marine Sanitation Devices have no moving parts, no power requirements and low maintenance. Discharge by gravity or sump/pump. Accommodates crews from t to 100 men.
IMO approved. USCG certified.
Oily/Water Separators in 7 models: .15-5.0 cu. Meters p/hour.
No replacement filters required. /Py Microphor
A Wabtec company 452 E. Hill Rd„ Willits. CA 95490-9721 USA
Tel: 800-358-8280: 707-459-5563. Fax: 707-459-6617
E-mail: [email protected] www.microphor.com;www.wabtec.com
Circle 296 on Reader Service Card
Circle 279 on Reader Service Card deep sea scheduled ships, Intersleek 700 is proven in service on vessels worldwide.
Jet Edge 12070 43rd Street NE
St. Michael, MN 55376
Tel 763-497-8700
Fax 763-497-8701
E-mail [email protected]
Web www.jetedge.com
Surface Preparation systems manufactured by Jet
Edge are capable of running at pressures up to 55,000 psi. Whether combined with grit blasting or waterblasting alone, these systems provide the fastest production rates in the industry while meet- ing international surface preparation standards.
Johnson March Systems, Inc. 220 Railroad Drive
Ivyland, PA 18974
Tel 215-364-2500x 211
Fax 215-364-5425
E-mail [email protected]
Web www.johnsonmarch.com
We design custom systems for power plants, ships, and rigs utilizing either galvanized, zinc coatings, marcropoxy, etc all in ANSI 61 Gray.
Jotun Paints USA 9203 Highway 23
Belle Chasse. LA 70037
Tel 281.842.3305
Fax 281.471.0267
E-mail [email protected]
Web www.Jotun.com/us
Jotun USA is a quality manufacturer of a full line of marine and protective coatings. These include: shopprimers, a variety of primers including mastics, finish coats, antifoulings, and tank linings.
Land & Sea Equipment
International Corp.
P.O. Box 340236
Tampa, FL 33694
Tel 813-390-8626
Fax 813-908-9474
E-mail [email protected]
All types of marine coatings products.
MacroTech, Inc. 246 Mamaroneck Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Tel 1-914-723-6185
Fax 914-723-6085
E-mail [email protected]
Copper ion based fresh water biofouling control (biofilm inhibition, zebra mussel, asiatic clam & bry- ozoan control) for utility and industrial raw water intakes, piping systems, heat exchangers, etc.
MAR-Tech USA, Inc. 9 West Mulberry Street
Baltimore. MD 2101
Tel 410-419-0811
Fax 410-727-6563
E-mail [email protected]
Web www.stacleanmarine.com
STACLEAN Extended Life Coating, a new TBT-free, anti-fouling system, provides an ultra-smooth designed to last 10-plus years, cut maintenance in half, and reduce fuel costs 20% annually.
MAS Epoxies 2615 River Road #3A
Cinnaminson. NJ 08077
Tel 856-303-9245
Fax 856-303-2889
E-mail [email protected]
Web www.masepoxies.com 100% Solid Epoxy resin and blendable Hardeners, featuring a NO Blush. Slow hardener so there's no sanding or washing between coats, which will save you time and money. 74 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News