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Editor's Note
Just when I begin to think that some of the messages we reiterate in our pages are becoming trite, one of the largest ferries in our country's most populous city smashes into a pier, killing 10 and injuring dozens. With tens of millions of passengers delivered safely to and fro via water transportation 365 days a year, it is foolhardy to damn an entire market based on one incident. But, given the horrific nature of the reported injuries, the mystery surrounding the exact sequence of events, and the reported refusal of cooperation from the vessel's captain, the Staten Island Ferry crash of October 15, 2003 will likely serve as a lightning rod for change.
While it is hard, indeed, to find fans of additional rules and regulations, it is even more difficult to find those that can stomach another senseless accident where lives and/or the environment are imperiled.
By chance, the impact of ever emerging, evolving and convoluting rules and regulations, and rheir effect on the mariner — and ultimately their effect on the safety and efficiency of vessel, crew and cargo — is the topic of this month's cover story. "E-Ship: The Paperless Trail, "which starts on page 82, details one company's effort to alleviate some of the procedural burden onboard modern marine vessels, with the end goal being an elevated sense of security and efficien-
On the Cover
Pictured on this month's cover is on illustration depicting the potential consequence of too much regulation ond paperwork on the maritime commu- nity. Story starts on page 82
Cover Illustration: Dave Brock, Brock Illustrations. 10 EU Faces IMO Scorn 52 China Report 86 New Products 88 Propulsion Update 92 Vessels 96 New Ship Contracts 98 Training & Education 100 Shipstore 101 Buyer's Directory 104 Advertiser's Index 105 Classifieds
Subscriptions: One full year (12 issues) $24.00 in U.S.; outside of U.S. $96.00 including postage and handling. For subscription information, con- tact: Dale Barnett, fax: (212) 254-6271; e-mail: [email protected] www.marinelink.com
No. 11 Vol. 65 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271
Founder: John J. O'Mai ley 1905 - 1980
Charles P. O'Malley 1928 - 2000
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