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Coatings & Corrosion Control • Marine Paint Buyer's Guide
Surface-Protection Symposium Set for Liibeck
Corrosion causes damages amounting to billions each year. The existence of chlorides makes the mar- itime climate particularly aggressive, whereas the bal- last tanks of seagoing vessels are endangered the most.
The most recent accidents — such as those of the Erika and the Prestige — have made us all the more aware that the professional surface protection of ships and other maritime constructions made of steel are vital for safe and profitable operation.
Under the auspices of Germanischer Lloyd, the
Second Surface-Protection Symposium is taking place on the 23rd and 24th of October 2003 at the Hotel
Radisson SAS Senator in Lubeck. Germany.
Shipyards, ships' financers, expert consultants, coat- ing-material suppliers and applicator firms are going to be additionally included within this specialists' confer- ence.
The abbreviated titles for the conference topics are "The new IMO regulations from the viewpoint of classification societies."
Dr. B. Richter and I). Harms. Germanischer Lloyd "Corrosion damage to ships due to insufficient coating."
Dr. H.-J. Dittmers. Corroconsult "Importance and technological dev elopment of surface protection for ships."
Dr. W.-D. Greverath. Muhlhan "How the revolutionary UHPAB blasting process works; an invention from the aviation industry"
Dr. J. Popplau. Caitec "Introduction of a surface standard developed to match shipowners' needs."
Dr. A. Momber. RW'TH Aachen "Health, safety and environment, as well as legal aspects of the L'HPAB blasting process."
Dr. N. Michelsen. Muhlhan sealing sys
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